WATCH: Disneyland Paris employee interrupts and ruins proposal

Disneyland Paris, Picture: INSTAGRAM

Disneyland Paris, Picture: INSTAGRAM

Published Apr 19, 2023


This one couple thought they had it all figured out with a romantic proposal at Disneyland.

The video clip making the rounds on Twitter is a real ‘rollercoaster’ of emotions.

At first, you can hear the crowd buzzing with excitement, ready for a lovey-dovey moment to unfold.

But just as the guy gets down on one knee, BAM! Some Disneyland employee swoops in and kills the vibe, dead.

— Crazy Clips (@crazyclipsonly) April 16, 2023

Does this world really need another romantic moment ruined? Can't they just let people have their cheesy, lovey-dovey moments in peace? It's not like anyone's trying to steal Mickey Mouse's thunder or anything.

He told the couple to ‘say yes’ on solid ground because it’s ( sarcastically speaking) ‘’even better.’’

Apparently, the couple had the audacity to choose a "sacred" non-entry spot for their special moment. Puh-lease, like anyone else has a claim to that patch of concrete.

The poor couple didn't even get to finish their proposal. Thanks to Mr. Party Pooper. Disneyland is a place where ‘dreams come true’, it’s the perfect place to pop the question, or not.

Tweeps shared their two cents about the situation: ‘’It’s not allowed, let one couple get away with it and then every couple will rightfully say what about me?!’’ wrote one.

— AussieNurse_Lisa (@earthlywayfarer) April 16, 2023

‘’The employee's action could easily have considered an attempted theft...grab a ring and then changed his mind -- If you were in a bank and you grabbed a stack of money from the teller's drawer but stopped before you left the bank, wouldn't that be considered an attempted theft?’’ said another.

Another Tweep hilariously suggested that it was a sign: ‘’That’s a divine power stepping in right there’’

Rules are rules I guess; some areas within the park are designated as "no proposal zones," typically for safety or logistical reasons.

If you're planning to propose at Disneyland, it's always a good idea to check with park staff ahead of time to ensure that your plan is feasible and doesn't interfere with anything. But to be fair, it does just look like an empty stage with no purpose.