Stars: You may be asked to guide a family member through a crisis

Sharron Duff

Sharron Duff

Published Oct 4, 2024


ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

Protect yourself from gossip and drama by laying low this week. Focus on the job at hand and keep your slate clean. Work opportunities coming your way so be aware of your work ethic. Friendships are important so nurture these. You are going to need this support in upcoming months. Lucky colour: Maroon

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

Be creative in your home and think out of the box with work projects. A good time to start working on your side hustle. Do your planning carefully. Don’t worry about criticism as this is shallow. Speak your truth but know what this is. You may be needed to mediate in a work situation. Lucky colour: Black

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

Get out and spend some time in nature to unwind. Get medical help for health issues before they escalate. This is a good week for relationships and networking acquaintances at work. You may be tasked with extra work within the next two weeks. An honest conversation needs to happen at work. Lucky colour: Beige

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Study is in your space and possible soft skills workshops or courses. Take these in your stride as they will add value later. Mediation may be needed in a legal situation. Clear out the clutter to make way for what you need financially. Financial support is here for some of you. A surprise visitor from the past. Lucky colour: Grey

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Express how you feel, especially when there is injustice. There needs to be balance in all things, so make time for relaxation. Balance your work life and don’t make impulsive decisions as change is coming through for the new year. A project needs money to make it viable but bide your time and do your homework first. Lucky colour: Turquoise

VIRGO (August 23 - September 22)

Someone close to you needs your attention so do what you need to, to save the relationship. Spend time with on your passion to step into your purpose. Define your small business to get ready for the new year. Look over investments as you may need capital for a purchase or a new venture. Lucky colour: Purple

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

Pay attention to your intuition and if it seems too good to be true, it may well be. Find a suitable mentor to set up a business. You may be asked to guide a family member through a crisis. Charity is around you. Receive gracefully as you’ll get an opportunity to return the favour. Lucky colour: Orange

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

Watch what you eat this week as health is an issue currently. Food intolerances should be dealt with timeously. Mood swings may be because of a lack of sleep. Don’t be too proud to ask for advice. This is your time to receive guidance, so accept with grace. Your expertise is needed at work. Lucky colour: Green

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

Take your time on the road and don’t rush. Rome wasn’t built in a day so plan carefully and remember that good things come in divine timing. Communication is important this week. You may feel uncomfortable in a conversation at work, but if you are integrous, all will be well. Lucky colour: Silver

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

Someone is willing to guide you so don’t be too proud to accept help. Wait for the right time to launch your new business idea. Rule competition out and do what needs to be done. Stay away from drama and protect your energy this week. A love relationship needs attention. Lucky colour: Red

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

Things may feel like they have slowed down, but this is temporary. Use this time wisely and get old projects finished. Dreams are coming into fruition just in time for the new year and energy is amplifying, so get onboard. Make your plans and do your homework to ready yourself for take-off. A good time for new love or the company of an old flame. Lucky colour: Gold

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

You are already doing enough so be gentle on yourself. People’s opinions have nothing to do with you so step back from the drama. Family affairs need attending to. Check policies and documents for legality’s sake. A move is in your space and the perfect opportunity is coming in within the next month. Don’t rush. Lucky colour: Dark blue

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