‘Withdraw charges and you will be arrested’

Published Dec 7, 2011



GAUTENG Community Safety MEC Faith Mazibuko has warned that people who lay charges and later withdraw them would be arrested.

She was speaking at the launch of the Gender Based Violence Prevention Forum as part of 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children in Eldorado Park yesterday.

She said residents were gatvol with criminals.

Mazibuko and the SAPS was working with the communities of Soweto and other areas to find solutions to crime.

A briefing was held at the Eldorado Park police station yesterday where various groups and NGO members were invited to air their grievances and come up with solutions.

“If you lay a charge against someone and withdraw it, you will be arrested,” said Mazibuko, adding that it was important to make sure people understood that withdrawing cases only perpetuated abuse.

“We want as many community members as possible to join us. Let’s be united in fighting the scourge.”

Eldorado Park residents said they were sick and tired of the crime in their area. They agreed that drugs and alcohol were the main reasons behind crime in the area.

William Volmink said it was a daily struggle for residents.

“It’s like you need a degree to understand what is in these drugs. They cause havoc. Children burn down houses because of these things,” he said.

Volmink added that the community knew where the druglords stayed and he couldn’t understand why they were not being locked up.

Ann Adams said parents were also to blame.

“The parents have lost their responsibilities, and children are no longer disciplined,” she said. “Dealers run free here. Crystal meth is sold on every corner.”

Major-General Eric Nkuna said most of the cases reported in Eldorado Park and neighbouring Freedom Park were either gang related or involved domestic violence.

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