Do you know how recruitment in the EPWP should be undertaken?

The EPWP is implemented in four sectors namely; Infrastructure, Social, Environment & Culture and Non State.

The EPWP is implemented in four sectors namely; Infrastructure, Social, Environment & Culture and Non State.

Published Jun 22, 2021


The Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) is one of Government’s medium to long term strategies to reduce unemployment and alleviate poverty through the creation of work opportunities using labour-intensive methods.

Guiding documents in the EPWP

The EPWP is implemented in four sectors namely; Infrastructure, Social, Environment & Culture and Non State. All spheres of government (national, provincial and local) and State-Owned Entities are expected to implement the programme.

Employment of EPWP participants is managed using the following documents:

a) Code of Good Practice, Notice No. 129

b) Ministerial determination 4: Expanded Public Works Programmes, notice no. 347

Key guiding standards for recruitment and eligibility for participation in the EPWP:

a) Fairness - the process shall not be manipulated for gain; neither shall there be any form of discrimination on the basis of race, tribe, place of birth, ethnic or social origin, language, social status, religious belief, political affiliation, opinion, custom, culture, gender, marital status, pregnancy or disability (as per Section 2 of the Constitution of RSA, 1996).

The community must be mobilised before the initiation of an EPWP project. Communities have to identify assets and services to be delivered. It also has to identify participants to participate in the project.

b) Transparency - all recruitment processes should be undertaken in an open manner, that is understood by all stakeholders. Should persons outside the target community be appointed, there must be evidence that such skills were not available from the target community at the time of recruitment.

In order for a person to be eligible for participation, they should:

  • Reside within the ward in which the project is to be implemented. In the event that there is an insufficient number of participants in the ward, then participants may be drawn from neighbouring wards (close to the project site).
  • Equity - Potential EPWP participants shall be given equal access to opportunities to enable their full and active participation in all aspects of the programme/project implementation cycle.
  • Be available to work on the dates, as required by the project and at the prevailing EPWP wage.
  • Apply or register for the work in accordance with the manner specified by the recruiting body.

For further information on the EPWP Recruitment Guidelines visit: or call 012 406 2000 public works & infrastructure

Department: Public Works and Infrastructure Republic of South Africa Expanded Public Works Programme.

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