Soweto spelling bee group appeals for donations and more community involvement

Intokozo Yemfundo Project has initiated a spelling bee competition in Soweto.Image:picture: Pexels

Intokozo Yemfundo Project has initiated a spelling bee competition in Soweto.Image:picture: Pexels

Published Oct 11, 2022


Intokozo Yemfundo Project initiated a spelling bee competition in Soweto, approaching scores of learners to take part in addressing some of the literacy and spelling challenges that are often observed among many primary school children.

The spelling bee aimed at making the culture of reading and spelling more enjoyable and engaging, not only for the children involved, but also for the community at large.

In July several schools around Soweto were approached to take part in the spelling bee.

This was followed by classroom spelling bee competitions, culminating in the first round of the Intokozo Spelling Bee competition held in September 2022.

A total of 120 learners from four schools, namely Tiakeni Primary School, Tshilidzi Primary School, Mambo Primary School and Elsie Ngidi Primary School, qualified and competed in the spelling bee tournament.

The tournament comprised two written test rounds wherein 35 learners were eliminated in the first round and a subsequent 25 learners eliminated in the second round, leaving the competition with 60 learners, who qualified to participate in the final round to be held on October 29.

Speaking about the project, Intokozo Yemfundo revealed their motivation behind the spelling bee.

“We anticipated that by developing the spelling bee competition, we would be able to assist learners to improve their literacy and social skills, and build a positive attitude towards life. We believed that doing so would not only motivate learners to finish school, but also transform them into change agents and credible leaders who would utilise the words they learn to influence the world around them,” shared Intokozo Yemfundo Project.

With the first leg of the competition conducted seamlessly, they hope they can be assisted with donations to help continue with their aim to assist children with reading and writing.

Intokozo Yemfundo Project was initiated in 2016 and has been assisting primary school children in the areas of mathematics and English, especially across South African townships.

Phumla Twala from the social enterprise spoke about the donations needed. “To ensure the success of the event, we need awards for the winners, food, transportation, and logistics for the schools we are hosting, as well as any financial contributions toward the event.”

“We hope that this event will reach a large number of people in Soweto, both young and old, to promote a culture of reading and spelling and to make educational events such as this one trendy in our community. We will also be hosting local artists and media groups to document the event and showcase its impact. With your assistance, we can encourage more children and the community at large to read and spell, which will impact the economy of our nation in years to come,” said Twala.