DTIC to lead businesspeople on ‘selling’ mission to Spain

Published Mar 28, 2023


Johannesburg - The Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (DTIC) will lead a delegation of 17 businesspeople on an outward selling mission (OSM) to the in-cosmetics show in Barcelona, Spain, scheduled to take place from March 28 to 30.

The mission aims to promote South Africa’s natural ingredients sector by showcasing local expertise in cosmetic products made from botanical extracts and oils, including grape seed oil, marula oil, moringa powder and oil, organic dried rosemary, shea butter, as well as several other ingredients.

According to Deputy Minister of Trade, Industry, and Competition Fikile Majola, South Africa’s participation in the show will help generate greater returns for the agro-processing sector and related industries.

"South African companies can use the platform to make an impression on thousands of potential customers and become innovators in the cosmetic ingredient industry,“ Majola said.

“The event provides insight into future scientific advances, emerging trends, and regulations, providing a comprehensive source of industry expertise and effective business opportunities.

"South Africa is also a hotspot in terms of biodiversity, linked to a wealth of traditional knowledge on how plants can be grown, harvested, and used.“

Majola added that, in terms of supply, the natural ingredients sector can support sustainable economic development in South Africa and help transform marginalised and rural areas.

"International visitors to the fair will create opportunities for South African exhibitors to enter global value chains."

The OSM is a collaboration between the DTIC and the Swiss Import Promotion Programme, a mandate of the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs within the framework of its economic development cooperation, whose overall objective is to integrate developing and transitioning countries into world trade.

The Star

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