DA Gauteng MPL branded a ‘cigar lounge gossiper’

Former Gauteng MEC for the Department of Social Development, Agriculture, and Rural Development (DoSDARD), Mbali Hlophe. I Supplied

Former Gauteng MEC for the Department of Social Development, Agriculture, and Rural Development (DoSDARD), Mbali Hlophe. I Supplied

Published Aug 7, 2024


Former Gauteng MEC for Social Development Mbali Hlophe has described DA MPL Refiloe N’tseke as a “cigar lounge gossiper”.

Hlophe said N’tseke failed to address the pressing issues facing Gauteng citizens and those of various NGOs, but instead focused on tarnishing her reputation.

This comes after N’tseke accused the former MEC of collapsing a number of NGOs, saying she oversaw the establishment of parallel procurement of food to NPOs and the food banks.

Hlophe said she expected no less from N’tseke, as she was in charge of a “project” to destroy her political career with false accusations.

“She (N’tseke) claims the department violated a court order, perhaps I should remind member N’tseke that this claim is not new.

“In fact, the department was taken to court over the same allegation, and there’s no judgment of contempt made against the department on such.

“She further alleges that there was parallel procurement of food to NPOs and the food banks. A rather odd allegation made by a person who has been part of the portfolio committee for close to, if not, more than 10 years. Does N’tseke not know that food is provided to the vulnerable by a variety of NPOs, including the food banks?” asked the former MEC.

Hlophe said N’tseke knew that this practice has been used even prior to her tenure and it was continuing to date.

“Perhaps she believes shelters merely house individuals but don’t give them food? Or maybe she believes in drop-in centres, drop off smiles and hugs to the vulnerable but no food?

“It’s evident N’tseke does not pay attention to detail, notwithstanding the lies contained in her recent Devi interview on ‘Daracorp and Beauty Hub’.

“Questionable projects she attributes to me, yet facts reveal that these projects predate my tenure. A fact she knows but conceals in order to maintain the lies to discredit me. In fact, it was during my tenure that these projects were probed and subjected to investigation. So why lie?”

Speaking to ‘’The Star on Wednesday, N’tseke said she noted the allegations that former MEC Hlophe thought that she was being used when she was raising issues that took place under her watch.

She reiterated that as a member of the DA, it was not her responsibility to fight internal ANC factions which had nothing to do with her.

“All the issues that I have raised have come with evidence: if Ms Hlophe believes she was fighting corruption, then she should have submitted reports on:

“a) The number of NPOs that were investigated and were found to be corrupt or non-compliant.

“b) The number of staff she suspended claiming -- she needed to investigate -- but to date no report.

“c) The outcome of the adjudication of NPO funding.

As for the “2016 report, I have vague information on the matter, Ms Hlophe has not responded to a few of my questions”.

“She has also not taken the oversight committee or even me into her confidence that there was corruption which she uncovered in the department.

“I wish she had brought it forward then I would have asked questions and written a statement as I have with anything that I find wrong with regards to the utilisation of public funds. I am happy to be told about the 2016 issue and I will happily drive it as an issue.

“My job is not to protect corrupt ANC politicians or officials but rather to expose them -- ensuring that public funds in Gauteng Social Development goes where it is intended -- to uplift the vulnerable,” she explained.

However, sources close to the department said N’tseke has been a mouthpiece of a project to discredit the former MEC and to eventually garner enough dark cloud around her to justify her exclusion from the Gauteng Cabinet.

“The DA should be worried about her posture. There are forensic investigations dating as far back as 2016 with damning findings, but she failed to exercise oversight to ensure that these are acted on.

“But instead she led charges against the former MEC who decided to act on these reports,” the source said.

The Star

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