Spoiler alert: app blocks unwanted news

Published May 29, 2015


An app promises to block all mentions of any TV shows or sports events that you want to avoid, keeping fans safe as spoiler season reaches its peak.

Spoiler Shield comes as a Chrome extension and an app for iOS and Android. It creates a special version of your Facebook and Twitter feeds with all the annoying spoilers removed.

Users select from a list of television shows, events and sports teams.

The Chrome extension will then hide any posts containing those words from your feed, and the mobile app will present a specially-curated version of your social networks.

Any blocked update can be viewed by double clicking. Before they are, posts appear greyed out with a message identifying them as having been shielded.

Users can only block phrases that appear in the site’s pre-written list. That list includes over 50 TV shows as well as NFL, NBA and MBL teams, but no custom options can be added. – The Independent

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