Women's Day: Embracing the collective wisdom of fashion and beauty icons

Published Aug 5, 2024


In South Africa, August 9 holds great significance as it serves as a day of remembrance and reflection on the remarkable history of influential women in the country.

On August 9, 1956, thousands of brave South African women marched to the Union Buildings in Pretoria to protest against the apartheid government, which controlled their movements in urban areas.

Since then, the day has been reserved as a national holiday to celebrate all women and their contributions to society.

Independent Media Lifestyle spoke to a few women in the fashion and beauty industry to find out what it means to be a woman.

All these women have one thing in common, they are thriving in their respective fields and embrace their femininity.

Musician and entrepreneur Zinhle Jiyane, popularly known as DJ Zinhle, said being a woman means having the freedom to be herself.

“Being a woman means everything. It means to be free, and be whoever I want to be. It’s different for me now that I’m older. I have my independence, and my thoughts and I can do things however I wish to. I feel like being a woman means a lot of freedom and self-love,” she said.

As a mother, a wife and a career woman, the “Umlilo” hitmaker said she couldn’t have done it without the support of the women in her life, who play a huge role in helping her raise her two beautiful daughters.

“It takes a village. It’s all the people that I have around me. I’m not an island I need all the help I can get. My sister, children’s grandmothers, everyone,” she said.

Zinhle 'DJ Zinhle' Jiyane. Picture: File.

Human rights activist and media personality Dominic Zaca, who is in her transitioning journey said what she loves most about being a woman is that womanhood has no formula.

No book can tell you how to be a woman, and that is why every woman should be the best they can be and not limit themselves.

“For me being a woman is different from a normal standard woman. I am a woman by proxy so the fact that there are spaces that allow you to be yourself and be fully a woman without being afraid of what people will say is everything,” she said.

Zaca added that South Africa getting its first female chief justice is a step in the right direction because it shows that women are seen and deserving of such powerful roles.

Dominic Zaca. Picture:Lerumo.

“We just got the biggest change in politics with the appointment of Mandisa Maya in the judicial system in a role that has never seen a woman before. It’s such an impactful thing to be a woman and I wish women understood their power and stance in being a woman," she said

Itumeleng Mokwatlo, a transgender woman, emphasised that being a woman represents liberation and taking ownership of one's accomplishments.

“I’m saying owing your success because I’m doing something exciting about defining your success so that’s kind of like what I’m looking forward to. Always go into the world as the person you would be if you had no disturbances.

“Everyday you wake up and intentionally choose to appropriate to your day what it deserves,” said the make-up artist and fashion and beauty influencer.

Itumeleng Mokwatlo. Picture: File.

Businesswoman and content creator Pamela Mtanga said being a woman means embracing and celebrating yourself.

“Being a woman is walking tall, unapologetically being yourself every day even when the world tells you you’re not enough, you’re not capable and you are not destined for greatness.

“Being a woman is waking up every single day going against societal norms and avoiding the noise you hear outside. It's being yourself and going for all the things that you think you’re able to do and interested in.

“Whatever passion you want to explore do it fully, do it scared, do it broke, do it unsure but you will thank yourself in a couple of years,” Mtanga said.

Pamela Mtanga.

In honour of this year's Women's Day, the theme "Celebrating 30 Years of Democracy Towards Women's Development" encourages all women to celebrate their accomplishments, big or small.