GHFM Breakfast show’s Stan Mars throws public pressure behind his renewed determination to lose weight

GHFM Breakfast show’s Stan Mars throws his weight around on 5km start to losing weight

GHFM Breakfast show’s Stan Mars throws his weight around on 5km start to losing weight

Published Sep 4, 2023


GoodHope FM Big Breakfast show host Stan Mars has publicly committed himself to taking on a health and weight-loss journey.

On September 1, he and his team embarked on their Spring Day 5km walk along the Promenade in Sea Point, Cape Town.

Mars said he was turning over a new leaf and embracing change, mentally and physically, in September.

“Honestly, I’m tired of being the big guy and wanting to drop ‘Big’ from my everyday life, ‘Bigstan’ wants to be ‘Stan’ ,” he said.

“People are super insensitive about weight and literally don't care about the comments they make.”

Mars said he made the commitment to adopt a healthy lifestyle after he lost a close friend.

“A very close and dear friend died last year, and his death rocked me because he was 47 and a medical doctor. He always went out of his way to keep me healthy and look out for me, so I promised him I will do this.

“And I intend to keep my word in his honour, Doctor Ferhan Khan.

“Every day is a challenge; It took me a long time to realise that food addiction is real.

“It’s a decision you make from the time you wake up to when you go sleep. Like most addicts, I have answers and jokes for everything but when I’m alone and start reflecting, it hits the hardest.

“I use humour to hide behind, I wear a mask that makes me bulletproof.”

Mars said it was the first time he has gone public about his desire to live a healthy lifestyle and his attempts to do so, including dieting every Monday for past few years.

“This time I’m going public. I feel it’s the game-changer. This is the most vulnerable I’ve felt in my life but I know it’s needed, I have a brilliant team supporting me.

“So, I’m fully invested in making a lifestyle change, not really focusing on the scale.

“5k Club is the beginning. I’m figuring out and learning. My end goal is to be healthy and comfortable.”

Mars says it has been tough so far but “it’s early days”.

He said he wanted to wear a suit he inherited from his father.

“My dad died last year and left a suit for me. I really want to wear that suit to a good friend’s wedding in December as I’m the MC but, right now, there’s no way I can get into that suit.”