#PhotoEssay: Dr Cahi tours Newtown

The original Johannesburg train station with its stunning wrought iron lattice look now stands empty. It’s astounding to think just how small the station was. Just two platforms and it served mainly as the track from Johannesburg to Muizenburg and back.

The original Johannesburg train station with its stunning wrought iron lattice look now stands empty. It’s astounding to think just how small the station was. Just two platforms and it served mainly as the track from Johannesburg to Muizenburg and back.

Published Mar 14, 2024


I love living like a tourist in my own city and so last Saturday I joined a small group for a guided walk around the Newtown Precinct.

The entire experience was awesome and such an eye opener. I hope my pictures and descriptions leave you with a desire to explore our city too, but with an experienced tour guide, of course.

This stunning doorway was once the ladies toilets for WHITES only … now it’s part of Kippies Jazz club.
The imposing old market with its beautiful domes now houses the Market Theatre. Pictures: Dr Norman Cahi
Traditional Sangomas wear red as a sign of their status . There were dozens buying all sorts of items from the muti shops.
Mama Africa. This street mural of Miriam Makeba is breathtaking in its beauty.
We visited Chancellor House, the chambers of the law offices of these two SA stalwarts and icons.
Another SA couple intrinsically linked to our history and heritage were the Sisulus.
Apartheid signage still shocks.
Shweshwe fabrics in a multitude of colours was one of our highlight store stops and I bought some exquisite and unique fabrics for my wife.
The dompass building was for me the saddest stop. This was the dreaded building all non-whites had to come to to register and get the green pass book allowing them to work in white areas.

Saturday Star

Dr Cahi