The hope of a brighter tomorrow is here - Editor's letter

Published Dec 7, 2021


As we near the end of the year, and take stock of our ups and downs, it’s hard to believe we have survived another year of this pandemic.

The recent travel bans mid a new variant of Covid-19 have certainly hit short-term lets, hotels and Airbnbs and, if anything, we have learnt to adapt to a changing property landscape.

Many became first-time homeowners this year and others turned their AirBnB accommodation into long-term rentals.

Others, however, struggled to hold on to their homes and accommodation or chose to live with family, creating multi-generational homes. Landlords themselves have been battling to get their rent, while some renters are drowning in deferred payments to landlords.

The thing is, whether we find ourselves in the pound seats or not, we have learnt to surf this wave of life and are trying our best to stay afloat.

It hasn’t been easy for many, yet humans are not ones to go down without a fight. Whatever the last few weeks of this year offer – for some it will be homeownership, as the Deeds Office puts through the last few transfers, and for others, it will be local travel to support local property owners – may it be a safe and wonderful time.

Our stories this week talk of some silver lining for the rental market next year.

The hope of a brighter tomorrow is here and, as we discover time and again, in life and in the property market, the downs are soon followed by ups.

Warm regards

Vivian Warby

[email protected]

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