Let's be more grateful, gracious and giving than usual over the holiday season - Editor's Letter

Published Nov 30, 2020


I succumbed to Black Friday this year. And not because I’m flush but because I have been putting off buying some necessities and this year it was so much easier to shop on this day as retailers – trying to make the most of it – offered most items online as well, an uncommon practice on

Black Friday


To this end, and trying to make up for lockdown, retailers also made Black Friday specials available prior to Friday. And according to the experts, we could even see a Black December with specials running over as hard-hit retailers try their best to stay above water.

I was happy to support local bespoke retailers, knowing that my small spend would go toward keeping them going. The items I bought were for urgent home improvements because, if anything, the long winter made many of us aware of the kinks in our homes and the need for some DIY. (My job jar runneth over, as Handy Mac would say.)

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The changes to how Black Friday was run this year is a sign of the times, and I am sure we are bound to see some changes in both commercial and residential property trends in the months to come.

While it appears

residential renters

have been most hard-hit in this pandemic, there are also many casualties in the commercial property world. I also feel the upcoming holiday season will probably be like no other we have ever had.

Perhaps those of us with a roof over our heads, a place to call home, and who have family and friends with whom to share the holidays will be more grateful, gracious and giving than usual. Change isn’t always bad.

Take special care of yourselves,

Warm regards

Vivian Warby

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