Tshwane MMC Abel Tau asks ActionSA to suspend him amid sex scandal claims

MMC for Human Settlements in Tshwane Abel Tau. Picture: Jacques Naude/African News Agency (ANA)

MMC for Human Settlements in Tshwane Abel Tau. Picture: Jacques Naude/African News Agency (ANA)

Published Oct 20, 2022


Pretoria - MMC for Human Settlements in Tshwane Abel Tau, also ActionSA Gauteng provincial secretary, yesterday asked his party to place him on precautionary suspension from all party and municipal activities.

Tau made the request in the wake of the allegations that he attempted to rape a wife of his friend, who is also an ActionSA member.

The incident has been under SAPS investigation after it was reported by the complainant, claiming she was sexually assaulted.

It was reported in a weekend newspaper that the incident took place at Tau’s residence in Pretoria after he was bingeing on alcohol with his friend, also an ActionSA member.

It was reported that the friend passed out after he had too many drinks. Tau, according to the report, then decided to call his wife to fetch him.

On her arrival Tau allegedly made sexual advances on the woman, who turned him down.

He allegedly tried to force himself on her but the woman managed to fend Tau off.

Yesterday, Tau announced that he requested ActionSA to place him “on precautionary suspension from all party and City activities pending the outcomes of the internal investigation and the case currently opened with SAPS”.

Tau told the Pretoria News that a Sunday news report about the incident was riddled with “lots of untruths”, and that the woman was phoned by her husband and not him.

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