Greater Tshwane regional ANC says preparations for elective conference at advanced stage

A file picture of the ANC’s Lesego Makhubela, Aaron Maluleka, Dr Kgosi Maepa and Bafuze Yabo at a briefing. Picture: Oupa Mokoena/African News Agency (ANA)

A file picture of the ANC’s Lesego Makhubela, Aaron Maluleka, Dr Kgosi Maepa and Bafuze Yabo at a briefing. Picture: Oupa Mokoena/African News Agency (ANA)

Published May 30, 2022


Pretoria - The ANC’s Greater Tshwane regional task team has expressed confidence that preparations for its elective conference are at an advanced stage despite the conference being postponed last week.

The 11th conference was initially scheduled to be hosted for three days starting from May 27, but it was postponed owing to the disputed nomination of delegates at the branch general meetings.

Regional ANC spokesperson Bafuze Yabo said the task team was awaiting the finalisation of dispute hearings by the regional dispute resolution committee, including appeals of the same before both national and provincial dispute resolution committees.

“Only once the process is finalised will the conference be able to sit,” he said.

ANC Tshwane regional secretary Eugene ‘Bonzo’ Modise. Picture: Supplied

According to him, preparations towards the conference are in full swing. “It is, however, noteworthy that certain conditions for a successful conference are yet to be met. Paramount of the conditions is meeting the requirements outlined in the ANC constitution and the NEC guidelines for provincial and regional conferences of 2021,” Yabo said.

He said that logistical preparations for the conference were at an advanced stage and were expected to be concluded in time for the conference sitting.

The new date would be communicated after the task team has decided on it.

Yabo said: “The 11th regional conference is therefore postponed until further notice. The ANC in Greater Tshwane Region would like to commend the progress made and effort put in by the Conference Preparatory Committee to ensure that all the other constitutional requirements are met on time.”

The conference will take place 10 months later than its scheduled time, as provided for in the ANC constitution due to the National State of Disaster that was lifted in April.

Regional co-ordinator Eugene “Bonzo” Modise, is known to be one of the contenders for the party’s chairperson position.

It remained unclear whether the ANC council chief whip Aaron Maluleka would finally be persuaded by lobbyists, who wanted him to contest for the top post in the region.

On the other hand, the incumbent regional chairperson, Dr Kgosi Maepa, is also in the running for the regional chairperson position despite his campaign appearing to be weak as opposed to the one led by Modise’s backers.

Pretoria News