From trials to triumph Unisa’s cum laude twins

Proudly displaying their hard-won graduation certificates are twins, Tamsin and Tarynne van Oordt. Supplied

Proudly displaying their hard-won graduation certificates are twins, Tamsin and Tarynne van Oordt. Supplied

Published Aug 29, 2024


Freddy Mlambo

Some years ago, in the vibrant city of Cape Town, twin sisters Tamsin and Tarynne van Oordt embarked on a remarkable journey filled with challenges that tested their resilience and strengthened their bond.

Raised in a modest family, they were taught the values of hard work and perseverance from an early age by their inspirational parents, who always encouraged them to chase their dreams, no matter the obstacles.

Despite facing numerous setbacks, the twins eventually secured admission to Unisa. In 2018, they successfully completed a Higher Certificate in Adult Basic Education and Training, which served as a stepping stone towards their lifelong aspiration of becoming educators. The following year, they both enrolled at the university’s College of Education to pursue a Bachelor of Education degree in Foundation Phase, unaware of the hurdles that awaited them.

Their academic journey was fraught with challenges, including the daunting experience of failing a module. However, rather than letting it deter them, they used it as motivation to redouble their efforts. Balancing part-time jobs with their studies, they persevered through long nights of studying and worked tirelessly to make up for lost credits, demonstrating their unwavering determination.

Tragically, amidst their academic pursuits, the twins faced the devastating loss of their beloved father to Covid-19. The pain of his passing was compounded by the harsh reality of the pandemic, which deprived them of the opportunity to bid him a final farewell. Yet, they found solace in preserving his memory and honouring his values through their commitment to education.

Despite the heartache and seemingly endless obstacles, Tamsin and Tarynne remained steadfast in their pursuit of academic success. They channelled their grief into their studies, drawing strength from their father's memory. Their perseverance paid off when they graduated with the prestigious cum laude distinction, a testament to their resilience and determination.

The inspiring story of Tamsin and Tarynne underscores the power of resilience, determination and the unbreakable bond of sisterhood. Their journey, marked by adversity, serves as a reminder that success is not measured by the absence of challenges, but by the ability to overcome them. Today, they stand as proud cum laude graduates, embodying their father's legacy through their extraordinary achievements.

When asked to share words of inspiration, Tamsin emphasised the importance of clarity in purpose, urging others to define their goals and let them illuminate the path forward. Meanwhile, Tarynne reminded individuals that obstacles are merely detours on the road to success, encouraging them to confront challenges with positivity and a willingness to learn.

As the first members of their family to earn degrees and achieve cum laude honours, Tamsin and Tarynne's accomplishments shine as a beacon of hope and inspiration for future generations.