ActionSA fires Gauteng provincial secretary Abel Tau after attempted rape allegations

ActionSA Gauteng provincial secretary and Human Settlements MMC for the Tshwane, Abel Tau has been fired. Picture: Jacques Naude/African News Agency (ANA)

ActionSA Gauteng provincial secretary and Human Settlements MMC for the Tshwane, Abel Tau has been fired. Picture: Jacques Naude/African News Agency (ANA)

Published Nov 10, 2022


Pretoria - ActionSA Gauteng provincial secretary and Human Settlements MMC for the Tshwane municipality, Abel Tau, has been booted out of the political party.

The party's decision for firing Tau was announced in the wake of allegations that he attempted to rape a wife of his friend.

Other allegations were subsequently reported by three unidentified women that he previously used his political position to coerce them into sexual relationships.

One of the women was a Tshwane municipal worker.

ActionSA said terminating Tau's membership was decided after the party's senate met on Wednesday night to deliberate on recommendations of the disciplinary panel that was convened to consider the charges levelled against Tau.

"The panel, chaired by Advocate Gill Benson, heard evidence from a number of witnesses in the matter, but determined that the charges relating to alleged criminal conduct would be more appropriately dealt with in the courts," the party said.

According to the party, its senate specifically looked at Tau's conduct and "concluded that his conduct was inconsistent with ActionSA’s value of ethical leadership".

"Positions of authority and power in ActionSA are entrusted responsibilities to leaders that can never be abused for sexual advances or to subjugate women. This conduct has brought ActionSA into disrepute," the party said.

ActionSA further denounced the kind of conduct, saying it was "inexcusable in ActionSA and will never be tolerated".

"We offer our apologies to the residents of Tshwane and to our coalition partners for this conduct along with our absolute commitment to act decisively against any violation of the responsibility entrusted to leaders," the party said.

This week mayor Randall Williams indicated that he would ask council Speaker Dr Murunwa Makwarela to investigate Tau for allegedly coercing a municipal employee into a sexual relationship with him.

Williams also wanted Tau to be investigated for an alleged inappropriate use of City resources for personal use while he was on leave.

It was reported in a Sunday newspaper that the National Prosecuting Authority had decided to prosecute Tau on attempted rape charges brought by his friend’s wife. His case would be in court in March next year.

Three other women, who accused Tau of sexual assault, were reportedly willing to testify against him in court.

The alleged attempted rape incident took place at Tau’s Pretoria residence after he had gone on a drinking spree with his friend.

His friend reportedly passed out after he had had too many drinks and Tau called his wife to fetch him.

According to reports, on the arrival of the woman, Tau made sexual advances on her, but she turned him down.

Speaking to the Pretoria News previously, Tau said the media report was riddled with “lots of untruths” and denied claims that he invited the woman to his house.

According to him, the woman was called by her husband. “There is evidence that he is the one who called the wife,” he said.

Pretoria News