Taxi’s operating licence cancelled after driver fled from traffic officials in George high speed chase

File - A taxi driver has been stripped of his operating licence after he gave traffic officials the slip and drove contraflow, with his passengers screaming and praying.

File - A taxi driver has been stripped of his operating licence after he gave traffic officials the slip and drove contraflow, with his passengers screaming and praying.

Published Jun 14, 2023


Cape Town - The Western Cape Mobility Department has cancelled the operating licence of a minibus taxi that was involved in a high speed chase with traffic police in George, earlier this year.

The driver had refused to comply with traffic police who stopped him at a checkpoint in George.

The driver, whose high speed chase with the police went viral in April, drove off with passengers and fled, driving dangerously contraflow and putting the passengers’ lives at risk.

In the video, passengers can be heard screaming, praying and begging the driver to stop, but he ignored these impassioned plea and he was later arrested.

The Western Cape Mobility Department’s Provincial Regulatory Entity (PRE) also received complaints from George Municipal Traffic Services and the Provincial Taxi Registrar regarding the driver’s contemptuous behaviour.

"Our Mobility Department called an inquiry into the matter which allowed both the complainants and the taxi operator to present what transpired on that day," Minister of Mobility spokesperson, Rebecca Campbell said.

"This decisive action supports our commitment to ensure safer roads for commuters and serious consequences for those who put peoples’ lives at risk.

"The driver of the vehicle was stopped at a routine checkpoint but refused to open any windows or doors to engage traffic officials, and after making a call on his mobile phone, he drove off with municipal traffic officers in pursuit," Campbell said.

Campbell said the high-speed chase ended on the Thembalethu bridge where traffic was gridlocked.

"He eventually abandoned the vehicle and ran off into the residential area. In his attempt to get away, he drove into oncoming traffic and disregarded several stop and other traffic signs.

"Upon further inspection, officials found that a copy of the operator card was displayed with incorrect information.

"The vehicle was also off-route. This type of route invasion is one of the main reasons for conflict and instability in the public transport industry," Campbell said.

She further added that the outcome of the PRE’s inquiry was formally communicated to the minibus taxi operator on June 12.

Acting PRE chairperson, Fadhiel Jattiem confirmed that the process was completed and that a decision was taken to withdraw (cancel) the affected operating licence.

"The PRE’s approach is to first correct the behaviour of operators and drivers. However, in certain cases, the PRE is compelled to exercise its most extreme statutory powers to set a good precedent for the Western Cape and to ensure that passengers are treated with respect and courtesy.

"We have a duty to rid the system of operators and drivers who refuse to comply with the law and actively make our roads more dangerous for everyone," he said.

Campbell alluded that the section 79 of the National Land Transport Act (NLTA) allows the PRE to withdraw or suspend an operating licence where either the holder or an employee of the holder has been convicted of an offence under the NLTA or other relevant laws.

"Similarly, an operating licence may either be withdrawn or suspended for contraventions of the conditions of the operating licence or permit," Campbell said.