Service delivery! Police officer delivers baby under tree

Warrant Officer Anneline Fielies with the assistance of Constable Monray Prins delivered a healthy baby boy in Worcester on Tuesday. Picture: SAPS

Warrant Officer Anneline Fielies with the assistance of Constable Monray Prins delivered a healthy baby boy in Worcester on Tuesday. Picture: SAPS

Published Mar 16, 2022


Cape Town - A new mother who went into labour while walking in the road was blessed to have had her baby delivered by a police officer conducting patrols in the Worcester area.

Just before 3pm on Tuesday, local sector commander Warrant Officer Anneline Fielies delivered a healthy baby boy under a tree in Aan de Doorns Road.

According to provincial police spokesperson, Captain Frederick van Wyk, Fielies was conducting patrols when she was approached by a man asking for assistance for his girlfriend who was having labour pains.

“The member called the ambulance service for assistance, while she cordoned off the area with blankets.

“Moments later, the member delivered a healthy baby boy after which she was assisted by Constable Monray Prins, who was prepared to take off his shirt, in order to cover the newborn baby,” van Wyk said.

The local ambulance arrived and transported the mother and baby to the nearby medical facility to ensure both were doing well.

Provincial Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Thembisile Patekile lauded both Fielies and Prins for going the extra mile.

In January, two police officers attached to the Elsies River police station responded to a complaint of a woman in labour just before 4am.

Constable Lucinda Raffie and her partner, Sergeant Gert Swart, attended to the complaint in Tiara Way in Leonsdale.

Once inside the home, the woman indicated she was about to give birth and officers Raffie and Swart immediately reached for their gloves.

Constable Raffie delivered the baby boy with the guidance of medical personnel via a phone call.