A 37-year-old rapist who raped again while on parole, sentenced to 15 years

Published Jan 28, 2023


Johannesburg - A 37-year-old who was paroled in 2020 after being sentenced to 10 years in jail for rape and housebreaking, has been sentenced again, this time to 15 years of direct imprisonment for the rape of a 21-year-old woman.

The 15 year jail sentence passed down by the Colesberg Regional Court will commence in 2027, as he is now expected to serve the remainder of his previous 10 years direct imprisonment sentence of 2011 for violating his parole.

Rape accused, Phila Manzi spotted the victim while on her way home and under the influence of alcohol, and he pounced on her and took her to a dilapidated house where he raped her.

Northern Cape NPA regional spokesperson, Mojalefa Senokoatsane said that due to the threatening circumstances, the victim was scared and developed a runny stomach and relieved herself. Instead of leaving the victim, the accused raped her.

The matter was reported to the police and through diligent work by the investigating officer, the suspect was arrested on September 14, 2021, and he remained in custody until the finalisation of the matter.

“During the trial, the prosecution had immense difficulties in proving its case, however, through the experience of State advocate Tevaughnay van Wyk, the accused placed himself at the scene of the crime through his evidence in court,” said Senokoatsane.

Van Wyk expressed his satisfaction with the sentence by the court, as it showed that the cumulative effects of the sentence were duly considered by the court.

Furthermore, he reiterated the significance and the pivotal role the justice system plays in providing support to the communities through fearless and impartial prosecution of perpetrators, despite the state of sobriety of their victims.