Dis-chem faces backlash over ‘no-whites’ moratorium

Dis-chem has come under fire following a leaked letter in which its CEO announced a moratorium on the hiring of white staff.

Dis-chem has come under fire following a leaked letter in which its CEO announced a moratorium on the hiring of white staff.

Published Oct 17, 2022


Durban - Dis-chem Pharmacies is facing major backlash after management placed a moratorium on the hiring of white staff.

In a leaked letter that went viral at the weekend, Dis-chem Pharmacies CEO, Ivan Saltzman, explained that following a recent review of both the Employment Equity profile in the organisation and the recent BBBEE verification process, it was evident that the organisation’s efforts to effect transformation in terms of its employee profile remained inadequate.

“We are growing at a fast rate and a few appointments other than white don’t cut it. It’s the ratio between white and black that counts. So, when no suitable black candidate is found and a white is appointed, we need several blacks just to maintain the status quo, never mind moving forward,” Saltzman said.

The letter to all senior management, dated September 19, 2022, states:

“A moratorium is placed on the appointment of white individuals. This includes external and internal appointments.

The letter that went viral at the weekend. Picture: Twitter

“With Dis-chem being a JSE listed company, these are harsh measures and necessary if the company is to remain profitable and to avoid a potential fine of 10% of turnover which would cripple the business,” Saltzman added.

The South African Jewish Board of Deputies has condemned the statement.

— SA Jewish Board (@SAJBD) October 16, 2022

DA Shadow Minister of Employment and Labour, Dr Michael Cardo, said the letter underscores the panic engendered by pending changes to EE legislation.

“It is against this backdrop that Saltzman’s letter must be understood. Businesses are in a tailspin at the thought of sacrificing 10% of their turnover on the altar of the ANC’s racial madness. Fines of this magnitude would bankrupt many firms,” he said.

Meanwhile, Dis-chem said it stands by its transformation journey.

According to News24, the group said they also said the company wanted to reiterate its commitment to the transformation journey.

Dis-Chem said it was committed to achieving equality and diversity and would continue to make strides in the transformation area.