WATCH: Rival AmaMpondo royal family factions name two candidates for the vacant throne

Prince Yolisa Sigcau

Prince Yolisa Sigcau

Published Sep 27, 2022


Durban – The battle for the vacant AmaMpondo kingdom’s throne in the Eastern Cape took another twist over the weekend when two candidates were named for it.

The members of the family on the side of acting Queen Regent, Nobandla Sigcau, met at Ntabankulu (Great Place) and named a young Prince Yolisa Sigcau as their next king.

Prince Yolisa is the son of the late King Zanozuko Sigcau who passed away in May this year after having occupied the throne in 2018.

He assumed the long-vacant throne following a recommendation of the Nhlapho Commission which was tasked with settling kingship issues across the country.

However, Princess Wezizwe Sigcau and her mother, Queen MaSobhuza Sigcau took the matter to court and won when recently the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) set aside King Zanozuko’s recognition as the rightful king of AmaMpondo.

In response to that Dr Ntsizakalo Ngalo, the spokesperson of Queen Nobandla, announced that it's not over until the fat lady sings.

He said they have since resolved to take the matter to the Constitutional Court for a final decision and the papers will be filed within the stipulated time for appeals.

With the legal fight still on, the Queen Nobandla royal faction met and unanimously identified Prince Yolisa to take the throne.

They even performed the ritual of taking him to the sacred royal kraal and reported to the ancestors that he is the next in line to the contested throne.

“Prince Yolisa KaZanozuko has been identified as the next King of AmaMpondo,” Ngalo told IOL shortly after their meeting and ceremony on Saturday.

Unconfirmed reports suggest that members of the royal family members loyal to Queen MaSobhuza met at Qaukeni on Friday and announced Princess Wezizwe as acting Queen following their SCA victory.

However, Princess Wezizwe could not confirm or deny that when IOL asked her to comment on the matter.

Meanwhile, one of the key houses in the Amampondo kingdom, the Amafaku royal family, have called a mass meeting dubbed “Imbizo YamaMpondo”.

The imbizo will take place on Thursday in Lusikisiski in the Eastern Cape and it is expected to discuss matters that have to do with the AmaMpondo throne.

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