WATCH: Voting in Northern Cape goes ahead despite rain, minor protests

The IEC centre in the Northern Cape. Picture: Michelle Cahill

The IEC centre in the Northern Cape. Picture: Michelle Cahill

Published May 8, 2019


Kimberley - The Freedom Front Plus leader in the Northern Cape, Wynand Boshoff, said that the rain has put “somewhat of a dampener” on today’s voting. “But this is Kimberley. We know that the rain doesn’t continue for long.”

Boshoff said that he was happy with the IEC’s arrangements. “We haven’t encountered any problems today but being such a huge undertaking, hiccups are to be expected.”

He said the only major problem they have encountered is the IEC not visiting the old age home in Hopetown yesterday. “We are hoping this can be resolved swiftly as they can't make it to the polling stations today.”

There is a strong police presence at the St Andrew’s Anglican Church in Holpan, outside Barkly West. The voting station in Holpan only opened around 9.30am following disruptions where community members protested outside the station over service delivery issues. The police fired rubber bullets to disperse the crowd.

It's all systems go in the Northern Cape, according to IEC Provincial Electoral Officer, Bonolo Modise. So far, the only problem encountered has been at Holpan, where service delivery issues delayed the opening of the voting station by around two hours. Video: Michelle Cahill/Diamond Fields Advertiser

The voting station in Holpan only opened around 9.30am following disruptions where community members protested outside the station over service delivery issues. Video: Michelle Cahill


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