Parliament to debate SABC crisis

Picture: Karen Sandison/African News Agency(ANA) Archives

Picture: Karen Sandison/African News Agency(ANA) Archives

Published Nov 26, 2020


Cape Town – Parliament agreed to debate the crisis at the SABC after a stand-off between management and workers over job cuts.

Speaker Thandi Modise agreed for the motion to be debated next week after the IFP made a request.

Secretary to the National Assembly Masibulele Xaso told the programming committee the debate would be scheduled for next Tuesday.

“There was a request by the IFP in relation to the SABC.

“The Speaker has approved that request.

“If you allow deputy speaker, we recommend that the debate be on Tuesday next week,” said Xaso.

The SABC has been embroiled in a dispute with the workers demanding that management and the board halt job cuts.

The SABC said it wanted to retrench 400 workers in order to save costs.

But unions and political parties said other means must be found to cut costs and not to fire workers.

Political parties said the situation was untenable and the government must intervene.

The SABC has postponed retrenchment plans until the end of December.

The board of the SABC was also divided with deputy chairperson Mamodupi Mohlala-Mulaudzi saying some board members were against the retrenchments.

But board chairperson Bongumusa Makhathini said they want to cut jobs.

The SABC later said the decision was postponed until the end of December to allow for further consultations with all stakeholders.

Political Bureau

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