OUT! Carl Niehaus found guilty of misconduct and expelled from ANC

Carl Niehaus. Picture: Karen Sandison/African News Agency (ANA)

Carl Niehaus. Picture: Karen Sandison/African News Agency (ANA)

Published Dec 12, 2022


Durban – Carl Niehaus has been expelled from the ANC. The former spokesperson for the ANC’s Umkhonto we Sizwe Military Veteran’s Association was found guilty by the ANC’s national disciplinary committee (NDC) on six counts of misconduct for bringing the party into disrepute, following sentiments uttered following former president Jacob Zuma’s being sent to prison for contempt of court last year.

According to the NDC’s findings, Niehaus’s comments went beyond the boundaries of free speech, and brought the party into disrepute.

The NDC added Niehaus showed no remorse.

It further found Niehaus persisted with his view the ANC was acting in violation of its own constitution and his rights by disciplining him.

It added while Niehaus had strong views, he, like members of the ANC, were bound by the party’s code of conduct.

“While the ANC was very tolerant of differing views, it was the obligation of every member to abide by the stated policies and positions of the party as articulated by the NEC from time to time. No member was exempted or allowed to adopt a posture which defined him or her as being bigger than the organisation.

“However, the NDC is of the view that the interests and integrity of the organisation warrant protection and that the interests of the individual member is subservient to the interests of the organisation. The charged member is expelled from the ANC,” the finding stated.

In July last year, the ANC confirmed Niehaus's suspension. At the time a letter from then-ANC deputy secretary-general Jessie Duarte said Niehaus’s utterances at Nkandla brought the party into disrepute and, therefore, the party decided to suspend his membership.

Meanwhile, Niehaus has since taken the news of his appeal to social media.

“I have already appealed the travesty of justice of my illegal expulsion by the ANC’s national disciplinary committee. Because I have appealed the farcical expulsion, I’m suspended. I remain a full member of @MYANC,” he tweeted.

The ANC has yet to issue comment on the findings and subsequent application by Niehaus.


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anccarl niehaus