Embracing the Dawn of Unity: A Call to Global Cooperation

President Cyril Ramaphosa welcomes his counterpart, President of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping at OR Tambo International airport South Africa to participate in the XV BRICS Summit from 22-24 August 2023, in Sandton, JHB. Picture: Yandisa Monakali / DIRCO

President Cyril Ramaphosa welcomes his counterpart, President of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping at OR Tambo International airport South Africa to participate in the XV BRICS Summit from 22-24 August 2023, in Sandton, JHB. Picture: Yandisa Monakali / DIRCO

Published Jul 13, 2024


By Ayanda Holo, President of TV BRICS AFRICA

On June 21, the luminous day in the bustling heart of Kazan, Russia, the world witnessed a profound event—the grand opening of the International Forum of BRICS+ Cities.

This occasion birthed the Association of Cities and Municipalities of the BRICS+ countries, a beacon of hope and cooperation. With over 200 mayors, vice-mayors, and leaders of municipal associations in attendance, the forum became a testament to the power of unity and shared vision.

A Declaration of Purpose

The forum's declaration resonated with a clear and inspiring goal: to promote the sustainable development of cities and municipalities across BRICS+ countries, ensuring the well-being and prosperity of their residents. This new Association is committed to strengthening socio-economic cooperation, exchanging experiences, and transferring best practices in urban management.

The Association's foundation rests on the principles of mutual respect, trust, and understanding. Its participants pledged to tackle common challenges together, from environmental sustainability and cultural exchange to infrastructural development and social protection. This cooperative spirit is the essence of the BRICS+ vision, a vision that mayors worldwide are encouraged to join and support.

Building Bridges Across Continents

The decision to establish the headquarters in both Kazan and Dubai symbolizes a bridge between cultures and continents, reflecting the diverse and inclusive nature of the BRICS+ initiative. Ilsur Metshin, the visionary Mayor of Kazan, was elected Chairman of the Association, heralding a new era of collaboration and growth.

"Today, we are about to create a new history," said Metshin. "This Association will strengthen the influence of BRICS and its partners, expand the opportunities of cities and municipalities, unite in the interests of residents, and build a successful future. It is time for active interaction, establishing economic, cultural, and scientific ties for mutual enrichment and development."

A Response to Geopolitical Challenges

Forming this new organization is a bold and necessary step in a world fraught with geopolitical instability. The BRICS+ Association is not just about socio-economic development but about solving existing global problems through cooperation and mutual support. For example, the long-standing partnership between Russia and Egypt stands as a model of mutually beneficial and friendly relations.

South Africa, a pivotal player on the African continent, exemplifies regional economic development and acts as a guarantor of international agreements. The enduring cooperation between Russia and South Africa highlights these nations' crucial role in addressing geopolitical challenges and fostering global stability.

A Global Gathering in Kazan

The forum in Kazan attracted delegates from 21 nations, including China, Iran, India, Brazil, South Africa, Chile, Argentina, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Belarus, and Azerbaijan. Influential municipal associations from these countries brought their collective wisdom and experience to the table.

Notable attendees included Ary Jose Vanazzi, President of the Brazilian Association of Municipalities, and Bheki Stofile, President of the South African Local Government Association. Ato Andualem Tenaw Habti, Director General of the Ethiopian Cities Association, Sergio Arredondo Olvera, Secretary General of the Latin American Federation of Cities, Municipalities and Associations of Local Authorities, and Hamidreza Galimzadeh, Secretary General of the Asian Mayors Forum.

Charting a Path Forward

The forum's agenda was ambitious: to discuss the creation of the new international organization, select its leadership, determine the location of its headquarters, outline a work plan, and initiate joint projects. The Association's activities will be guided by principles of equality, mutually beneficial partnerships, and respect for diverse traditions and cultures.

"There will be no place for political agendas," emphasized Mayor Metshin. "Our only goal is to be useful to each other. The Association will intensify cooperation in economy, culture, education, and ecology, becoming an important source of useful knowledge and an incentive to study and implement other cities' experiences for our residents' benefit."

Inspiring Global Collaboration

The forum also facilitated the signing of cooperation and twinning agreements between various cities and associations of local authorities. Bilateral working meetings were held to foster deeper connections and collaborative efforts. The BRICS+ Association embodies this spirit of unity and shared purpose.

As the world looks to the future, the call to mayors and city leaders everywhere is clear: Join this movement of unity and cooperation. Embrace the dawn of a new era in which cities and municipalities work together to create a sustainable, prosperous, and harmonious world for all.

We can build bridges across cultures, solve global challenges, and inspire future generations. The BRICS+ Association is not just an organisation; it is a testament to the power of unity and the limitless potential of cooperative development. Let us unite for the sake of our cities, our residents, and our shared future.

* Ayanda Holo is the President of TV BRICS Africa.

** The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of IOL or Independent Media.

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