#Elections2019: Everything you need to know about the ATM

African Transformation Movement (ATM) supporters in Rustenburg. Photo: ANA/Stringer

African Transformation Movement (ATM) supporters in Rustenburg. Photo: ANA/Stringer

Published Apr 15, 2019


Name of Party

: African Transformation Movement

Year Launched

: 2018

Party Leader

: Vuyolwethu Zungula

What it believes

: African Transformation Movement's motto is Putting South Africans First. To this end, the party believes in creating a society that is at peace with itself through active social dialogue and decisive leadership, promoting Ubuntu and African transformation through embracing and promoting the African way of living, and African way of resolving problems; Being a servant of the people first and foremost to ascertain sound leadership and governance and accountability as means of building a state governed with ethics and integrity to guarantee good governance and curb criminal activities in the public office.

Previous notable leaders

: None

History in a nutshell

: The African Independent Churches (AIC’s) noted with concern that they are deliberately sidelined and not recognised by the government. This non-recognition it says was evident in relevant government programmes where mainly mainline Churches are used. Even during legislated government consultation sessions, most of the AIC’s maintain that they are never consulted and say as a result the membership of these AIC’s are paying tax to finance implementation of policies and decisions they were never consulted on. Some AIC’s then came and established a faith-based nongovernmental organisation (NGO) called the South African Council of Messianic Churches in Christ (SACMCC). Noting that most of the problems faced by the member Churches of the SACMCC that hinder them in spreading the Word of God are political in nature, a resolution was taken by the SACMCC to establish a political wing known as the African Transformation Movement (ATM) mainly to transform South Africans to a better society that upholds and lives by the following values. Former ANN7 owner Jimmy Manyi is also a member of the party.

Party icons

: President: Vuyolwethu Zungula; Deputy President  Mncedisi Madolo, Thandisizwe Khukula, Secretary-General:  deputy secretary general Elma Du Plessis, Treasurer General; Nelson Qotoyi,  Mandisa Mashiya: national spokesperson. 


: ATM says it supports expropriation of land without Compensation for public good purposes, e.g. restitution and redistribution purposes and building of infrastructure like roads, rail etc. It says there must be an equitable distribution of land between those who were disadvantaged by unfair legislation and those who were advantaged by it and maintains that farm workers must be co-owners of the farms where they work and live.

Mineworkers of the mines where they work and residents must have title deeds for their properties


: The ATM says it aims to transform the economy of the country by providing economic solutions (equitable land redistribution, employment opportunities, sound business environment and opportunities) to the disadvantaged groups; creating an economic environment where business thrives. It also calls for the Marine economy to belong to the state at all times and that no individual must own an ocean of the animal life in it. 


: The party aims to root out all forms of corruption by acting decisively on perpetrators and minimise waste in government expenditure.

It says theirs is to empower citizens with knowledge to ensure that moral behaviour and economic transformation is instilled in state governance so that those entrusted with power, uphold the highest standards of ethical behaviour, servant leadership and good governance.


: According to the ATM, while the country’s banking system is among the best in the world, it remains untransformed and the party says the majority of citizens are still stuck in debt. It proposes a transformation of the Banking and Financial Services Sector. It says the solution is a State Bank which it maintains will economically transform the country through the state having a mechanism to fulfil its financial and economic obligations using a state-owned institution. 


: The party says it has taken it in its stride to join the existing conversation on free education and in finding a better path for the country's education system. This is to ensure there is a seamless development structure for every child from basic to higher education and eventually to the job sector and entrepreneurship, feeding to the economic market as a whole.


: The ATM  says it is bringing back active citizenship by transforming the minds of all South Africans that they have a role to play in contributing to the development of the country, regardless of creed or religion. Faith organisations should play a key role in shaping our people, to be good citizens of the country. They actively contribute to social cohesion and peacebuilding in our society. 


: Believes a peaceful country displays features of low crime rate, economic growth, zero tolerance on corruption and good health.


: ATM says people are losing their pride in our old age traditions and customs; as such, our culture is slowly evaporating. In line with restoring the African way of doing things, there must be proper recognition of Traditional Leaders and they must be given a tangible role to help guide our citizens back to our core customs and values but applying them in our daily lives to shape our future and the modern state.


 The ATM also calls for an introduction of a justice-based capital punishment system. It says South Africa has a high murder rate where 57 people murdered daily and that perpetrators do not value human life hence people are killed for even a cellphone. When it is in law it says capital punishment will be considered for crimes committed after the law is in place. It will be considered for hate crimes (killing people because of their sexuality, gender, albinism etc.) 


: The party calls for the emancipation of the youth. It says the education of the youth must be decolonised to break the colonial construct that posits a view that Africans are not worthy by themselves without other nations from Europe and elsewhere. It says the there must be paradigm shift so that inclusion of youth at highest decision-making structures must be seen as enabling innovation rather than perceived as a risk.

* Compiled by Noni Mokati

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