How to get energised and beat year-end fatigue

The physical symptoms of year-end fatigue include exhaustion and waking up feeling as if you have not had a good night’s sleep. Picture:

The physical symptoms of year-end fatigue include exhaustion and waking up feeling as if you have not had a good night’s sleep. Picture:

Published Oct 23, 2023


The end of the year is near and with it comes year-end fatigue.

Fatigue is a persistent sense of exhaustion or weakness that might be physical, mental, or a mix of the two.

As the year draws to a close, many workers may feel more tired than usual.

This is due to the fact that a lot may have transpired over the year, as well as a pressure to churn as much work as possible in order to reach yearly objectives.

So, what are the symptoms of this phenomenon?

Counselling psychologist Leigh de Wet, who is based in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, described the indicators as being either physical, emotional or cognitive.

“The physical symptoms include exhaustion, waking up feeling as if you have not had a good night’s sleep. You might also feel like you could nap at a moment’s notice,” said De Wet.

“Your body might feel heavy or weak and even have headaches, backache, joint and stomach problems, like cramping or digestive issues.”

She added that the emotional symptoms could be lacking motivation, struggling to get yourself ready to start tasks, no longer finding joy in your work, being irritable and snappy with those around you.

“Cognitively, you may be struggling to make decisions, have memory problems, lacking in problem-solving skills and even having brain fog (confusion, forgetfulness, and a lack of mental focus and clarity).”

The mental health professional said all of this will affect your professional life and decrease your productivity. De Wet went on to say that even team dynamics may be affected.

She offered these tips to help deal with year-end fatigue:

Look after your physical well-being. Get good quality of sleep by implementing a regular sleep schedule, if possible.

Go back to basics with your diet. Eat nutritiously and avoid processed food if you are able to. Listen to your body when it comes to what it likes or does not.

If you suffer from digestion issues with fatigue, cut back on flour or dairy if that affects your stomach negatively. Avoid drinking caffeine after 4pm.

Exercise, but it does not have to be strenuous. It could be what you enjoy that elevates your heart rate and gets rid of the anxiety energy. Exercising in the morning can help boost your energy for the rest of the day.

Connect with loved ones such as family or friends; people that will support and encourage you towards the end of the year.

To get true relaxation after your work, you must do the opposite of what you are accustomed to doing in your role. For example, if your work in your computer, try going outside and walking.

According to the US’ National Safety Council’s Fatigue in the Workplace: Causes & Consequences of Employee Fatigue survey of more than 2,000 working adults, 97% of workers were found to have at least one workplace fatigue risk factor and more than 80% had two or more.

“When multiple risk factors are present, the potential for injuries on the job increases. Fatigue can have detrimental effects on a person’s health and safety, both on and off the job,” said the organisation.