Woman find child’s mutilated body while sweeping her yard

Published Oct 12, 2022


Durban – Police are investigating a case of murder after the mutilated body of a child was discovered in Tamboville, Ekurhuleni.

According to police, a 63-year-old woman had been sweeping her yard on Tuesday when she noticed the toes of a human being surfacing from the ground.

Provincial police spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Mavela Masondo said the woman called the neighbours who then called the police.

“Several role players were summoned to the scene and a leg of a child was found in a shallow grave.

“As the police were processing the scene, they were informed about the body of a child in an open veld, about 800m away from the house where the leg was found. Upon arrival at the second scene, police found a mutilated body of a child.”

This week, in a separate incident in KZN, a mother woke up to find her husband allegedly raping their 5-year-old daughter.

Police said they were investigating a case of rape.

The mother told Reaction Unit SA, she had been asleep with her children when her husband arrived home intoxicated.

According to Prem Balram from Reaction Unit SA the mother told officers that when she woke up she discovered her husband raping her daughter.

“The woman forced him off the child and he began assaulting her. He then fled the residence in an unknown direction.”