Rapist parolee gets 22 years again, for raping woman who owed him money from dagga sales

A man on parole was sentenced to 22 years imprisonment for raping a woman he accused of owing him money. Photographer Ayanda Ndamane African News Agency (ANA)

A man on parole was sentenced to 22 years imprisonment for raping a woman he accused of owing him money. Photographer Ayanda Ndamane African News Agency (ANA)

Published Mar 8, 2023


Rustenburg - A convicted rapist who was on parole has been sentenced to 22 years imprisonment for raping a woman he accused of owing him money.

Frederick Cloete, 32, was sentenced at the Springbok Regional Court for raping the woman who had visited his mother on September 8 in 2021.

“The complainant, the mother of the accused, and some other friends, together with the accused and his friend were sitting and consuming alcohol.

“While they were chatting, the accused informed his friend that he was going to do something to the complainant because she owed him money,” National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) spokesperson in the Northern Cape division, Mojalefa Senokoatsane said.

Cloete alleged that while he was in prison, the woman was supposed to sell dagga on his behalf. She was supposed to get the dagga, sell it, and bring the proceeds of the sale to him, which she did not do.

“It is further alleged that later in the evening the accused and his friend decided to go and buy more liquor. The complainant asked to walk with them because they would be walking in the same direction where she was residing, as she wished to go home.

“On the way, the accused tackled the complainant to the ground. He told his friend to keep on walking so as not to see what grown-ups are doing. The accused proceeded to rape the complainant despite her putting up resistance by wrestling with him and screaming for help. The accused threatened to kill the complainant as well as his friend if they were to tell anyone what had happened,” Senokoatsane said.

They left the scene of the crime and the complainant immediately went to report the matter to a police reservist, who advised her to call the police the following morning because she was under the influence of liquor.

The next day the matter was reported, and Cloete was arrested.

“During the trial, the accused elected to conduct his defence after he fired his legal aid attorney. He claimed that he never had sexual intercourse with the complainant.

“In aggravation of sentence, Regional Court Prosecutor Basil Kok argued that the court should apply the maximum sentence for such a crime, as the accused did not show any remorse for his actions and was a repeat offender who was out on parole during the commissioning of the crime and it would be in the best interest of justice.”

Cloete had two previous convictions of rape and was on parole when he raped the woman.