Cheap electric Opel for the city

Published Sep 8, 2011


This might appear to be just another concept car that designers dreamed up while smoking herbal products and nostalgically re-watching '2001: A Space Odyssey', but Opel says it actually wants to build the little city car that you see here.

This radical two-seat electric vehicle was designed with the aim of "revolutionizing urban transport" and also has production potential, according to General Motors. And this appears to be more than just some urban yuppie statement, the car having been created for younger drivers on a tight budget - Opel even stating that it would be "highly affordable."

The light-weight, battery-powered full electric vehicle will have a range of 96km/h, with its top speed of 120km/h even making short highway stints possible although the relatively short driving range will limit the car's appeal to those living in dense city spaces.

The little Opel sits two occupants in a tandem layout and weighs about two thirds less than a modern small car, the company also stating that it will be agile and fun to drive.

This vehicle, says Opel, has the potential to create a new class of zero-emissions electric vehicles in Europe, although Renault's Twizy (which is already in production) would be an obvious alternative.

More details are set to be released when the car makes its first public appearance at the Frankfurt Motor Show in Germany next week so watch this space for all the juicy details.

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