Former Murdoch aides testify

Rupert Murdoch

Rupert Murdoch

Published Sep 6, 2011


London - Four former executives at Rupert Murdoch's News International are testifying before British lawmakers on the country's tabloid phone hacking scandal.

The affair has shaken Murdoch's News Corp empire and convulsed Britain's top police force.

Several executives left News Corp and two senior police officers resigned from Scotland Yard after widespread allegations that reporters at Murdoch's News of the World systematically broke the law to get scoops.

Ex-head of legal affairs Jon Chapman, former legal manager Tom Crone, ex-News of the World editor Colin Myler, and former human resources director Daniel Cloke are expected to answer questions on Tuesday.

Chapman, Crone, and Myler have already challenged the Murdoch family's account of its role in the scandal. - Sapa-AP

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