LETTER: Spare a thought for learners who have to rewrite leaked papers

South Africa. Cape Town. 261120. The 2020 National Senior Certificate Examination maths paper. Picture Ian Landsberg/African News Agency (ANA).

South Africa. Cape Town. 261120. The 2020 National Senior Certificate Examination maths paper. Picture Ian Landsberg/African News Agency (ANA).

Published Dec 7, 2020


Following a number of exam paper leaks in the National Senior Certificate (NSC) examination, the Department of Basic Education has decided that maths paper 2 and physical sciences paper 2 should be rewritten.

Apart from the normal stressors of writing an exam, learners also had to contend with the challenges of Covid-19 and now this rewrite. This is so stressful and unfair for learners, teachers and parents who are trying to best manage an abnormal year.

The corrupt individual/s who leaked the papers behaved in a very irresponsible manner and should face the full sanctions of the law for their criminal actions.

The Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga and Umalusi took the correct decision even though not a very well-liked one in order not to compromise the exams and the results. Fairness and honesty are prerequisite for an exam to be regarded as credible.

South Africa’s main school leaving exam – the NSC – is considered as the gateway to the broad world and is also used to identify learners who want to pursue tertiary study. In order to have the necessary skills for the various job opportunities, learners need to be well schooled, prepared and groomed.

Learners should remain focused and steadfast and not allow this regrettable occurrence to distract their aims and goals.

MOHAMED SAEED, Pietermaritzburg

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