LETTER: Engen explosion: accidents happen



Published Dec 7, 2020


"THE Engen explosion? Sorry, mate. You know how it goes. No matter how many safety measures we take, there are always those human errors that creep in through crevices in the system. Cannot be helped, you know. So sorry that personnel lost their lives.“

Meanwhile, at the site of the red mud accident in Hungary, in an aluminium plant: " Yes, it’s bad, 10 people dead and so many animals killed. Lots of destruction. Lake destroyed. So sorry. Wall collapsed. Human error, you know.“

At Chernobyl: "Yes , hectic. Nuclear reactor leaked. It was terrible. Human error. So sorry!"

And let's move now to Bhopal, India, 1986: “Yes, it was a gas leak at Union Carbide. Thousands died whilst asleep. Methyl 'something-something'. Metal fatigue. Human error. So sorry. It happens.”

And, finally, for the possible final scenario: West Asia. "We got the top guy at the nuclear works in Tehran out of the way. Next time, the target will be that other building where all the secret documents are housed. So sorry that there’s no trust between us and Iran. So sorry that millions of innocent people who can't even spell 'atom' or 'bomb', or ' power’ or ' Zionist' or 'Muslim', will get wiped out when we miss the target and hit their nuclear reactor.

“These buggers are only acting like it's all for peaceful purposes. No such thing. Yes, half the Earth will suffer immediately. The other half, for the rest of their lives or what is left of them. Accidents happen, can't be helped."


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