LETTER: Beware of super-spreader events

Published Dec 8, 2020


THERE cannot be any thinking person in our country who is not aware of the danger of Covid-19 “super spreaders” such as the recently held “rage events” in Durban and Cape Town.

Your newspaper has quoted a medical doctor in Hillcrest describing the worrying consequences of attendance at the Durban event, not for the children, for whom he states the consequences are minor, but for elderly persons in the community who, as a result, now face a severe risk to their health, if not death. You also report that the Minister of Health is furious at the holding of the events.

Despite this, some irresponsible parents allowed their children to attend these events earlier this month. The events cost money to attend… where did the money come from if not the parents?

The famous philosopher of the 17th century, Thomas Hobbes, in his treatise, the Leviathan on the nature of man (and woman) typified them as having qualities which included “brutish, nasty and selfish”. While there is debate on his description, especially from John Locke, I suggest the “selfish” part applies to those parents who allowed their children to attend the “rage” festivals, and, obviously, the children who attended as well as the organisers.

My suggestion is that persons in our community “name and shame” these irresponsible parents publicly and that legal opinion by the authorities be sought as to whether a charge of “facilitating homicide” can be brought against the organisers of the event.

I say this in light of the announcement by the premier of the province that large events in the province are banned.



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