Triple life sentence for Durban landlord who raped his tenant’s 12-year-old daughter

Picture: Magda Ehlers/Pexels

Picture: Magda Ehlers/Pexels

Published Aug 24, 2023


Durban - A 59-year-old landlord was handed a triple life sentence by the Ntuzuma Regional Court for raping his tenant’s daughter last year.

National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) regional spokesperson Natasha Ramkisson-Kara said the man raped the child, who was 12 years old at the time, three times.

The child lived with her family in a room they rented on the man’s property, she said.

“In February 2022, he raped the child on three different occasions when her mother sent him (the landlord) to get items from their shared space.”

According to the NPA, the child did not report the rapes to anyone. However, Ramkisson-Kara said the girl’s teacher at school noticed a change in her demeanour and asked her what was wrong.

“The girl then told her about what the man was doing. The girl’s parents were advised and the police were called in.”

She said the child was then taken to the Phoenix Thuthuzela Care Centre where she received medical and psycho-social assistance.

Regional court prosecutor Lisa Abrahams led the testimonies of the girl and her mother, and medical evidence. Abrahams also submitted a Victim Impact Statement, compiled by the girl and facilitated by Court Preparation Officer Senziwe Mthethwa.

“In her statement, the girl said that the incidents had left her psychologically, emotionally, and mentally traumatised. Her performance at school had been affected. She said that the man had used a weapon to threaten her and the lives of her family if she reported him to anyone.”

The NPA welcomed the successful finalisation of this matter. Ramkisson-Kara said it is the NPA’s mandate to protect the most vulnerable in society, namely women and children.

“We commend the work done by the prosecution and the police in securing the conviction.”

Ramkisson-Kara said the court found the man unsuitable to work with children, and ordered that his name be entered into the National Register for Sexual Offenders.

“The three life sentences will run concurrently.”