China confers SA’s BRICS Ambassador with Honorary Doctorate

South Africa’s BRICS Sherpa, Ambassador Anil Sooklal with Prof Zhao Zhongxiu, President of the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE). Picture: Supplied

South Africa’s BRICS Sherpa, Ambassador Anil Sooklal with Prof Zhao Zhongxiu, President of the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE). Picture: Supplied

Published Dec 20, 2023


South Africa’s BRICS Sherpa, Ambassador Anil Sooklal was conferred with an Honorary Doctorate from the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), Beijing earlier this month in recognition of his contribution to relations between the countries and BRICS cooperation.

He is only the second South African to be conferred with an Honorary Doctorate by China after global icon Nelson Mandela in 1992.

China is South Africa’s biggest trading partner and Sooklal has been integral in helping to cultivate relationships between the two countries.

The renowned diplomat is described as the “Dean of Sherpas” by his peers in BRICS.

Sooklal has a long association with China that predates his role in diplomatic relations, having studied towards his PhD in Oriental Studies at the University of Durban Westville (now the University of KwaZulu-Natal) in 1980, two years after China had opened up and gone through reforms.

Sooklal said it was a great honour and privilege to be acknowledged by China through UIBE in this manner.

“I Indicated on acceptance that I had a long relationship with China that started with my academic journey that focused on Chinese history and culture.

“I joined the government in 1995 and my academic background and knowledge of China was critical in terms of knowledge of the region.”

In 2000 Sooklal was appointed the chief director for Asia in the Department of Foreign Affairs.

“I have served through the major part of our democracy and my tenure has seen me become the longest serving official overseeing our relationship with China.”

Sooklal has accompanied three presidents – Thabo Mbeki, Jacob Zuma and Cyril Ramaphosa on bilateral visits to China.

He has also met three Chinese presidents – Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping – on their State visits to South Africa.

“I was recognised by the university for my deep knowledge of China/South Africa and China/Africa and BRICS and this is why they considered me for this honour.”

Sooklal has held key positions at the Forum on China-Africa Co-operation (Focac) when forums have been held in South Africa and China.

He also serves as the honorary President of the SA China People’s Friendship Association, an important entity which promotes people-to-people relations between the two countries.

“I have a long and deep association with China, not only at a government level but also as an academic,” he said.

Sooklal was also recognised by (UIBE) for his role in promoting trade and investment between the two countries, saying this was a contribution that China recognises.

“I have given speeches at more than a dozen universities in China over the years,” Sooklal said.

He described his decades-long relations as a “really wonderful association with China”.

Earlier this month, he was a guest of the Beijing Club, an elite think tank in China.

The Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to South Africa, Chen Xiaodong, conveyed his appreciation to Sooklal and described the honour as a “great achievement”.

The Mercury