Whether they've been naughty or nice, these are the gifts your partner doesn't want

Candles took the second spot for worst gifts for her. Picture: Pixabay

Candles took the second spot for worst gifts for her. Picture: Pixabay

Published Dec 6, 2019


Hook-up dating website Saucy Dates surveyed more than 5 000 of its members to find out what their top five worst and best Christmas gifts were. The results were surprising insightful.

When asked what the worst gift was, one participant said: "The worst... A pack of cotton panties. 2 sizes bigger than I am!" while another commented: "The worst... A food processor. Okay it’s practical but we should buy that at the weekend if we need it, not for a Christmas present!"

And the best gifts? "I once received my girlfriend wrapped in Christmas paper. I was a real turn on to unwrap!" said a male participant.

If you haven't gotten around to getting a Christmas gift for your significant other yet, best you take note of the following:

For him

Most romantic for him

1 Weekend away

2 Love letter

3 Framed pictured

4 Watch

5 Aftershave

Most sexy for him

1 Partner naked with a bow

2 Partner dressed up sexy

3 Naughty coupon book

4 Hand cuffs

5 Chocolate body paint

The worst for him

1 Socks

2 Tie

3 Electric tooth brush

4 Board game

5 Flowers

For her

Most romantic for her

1 Weekend away

2 Jewellery (engraved with message / names)

3 Romantic meal

4 Perfume

5 Champagne and chocolates

Most sexy for her

1 Sex toys

2 Lingerie

3 Massage oils

4 Hand cuffs

5 Blindfold

The worst for her

1 Domestic appliance

2 Candles

3 Boring underwear

4 Exercise equipment

5 DVD / Movie

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