Sex in the time of coronavirus: 5 ways to stay safe

If your partner is not following mask protocols, it could put you and your immediate family or friends in danger. Picture: AP

If your partner is not following mask protocols, it could put you and your immediate family or friends in danger. Picture: AP

Published Aug 7, 2020


By Lizzy Bliss

We’ve all been affected by the global pandemic be it physiologically or psychologically. And for a lot of you out there, it’s severely affected your sex life.

The current situation has made it near impossible to go out on dates to find a partner or lover. But where there’s a will, there’s a way, and many won’t stop their pursuit of a love life. If you’re one of the people finding a way, here are a few ways you can have safe sex during Covid-19.

Get tested

I’m not referring to sexual health here. Yes, you should get tested for STI/STDs if you’re sexually active and make sure you don’t have any sexually transmitted infections or diseases.

But, I’m referring to Covid-19 testing and how important it is to know that you’re not positive.

The reasoning behind this is simple; you could have the virus but be asymptomatic. Meaning you could have the virus and not display any signs associated with the illness. Getting tested will confirm that you’re all clear, and your partner should do the same.

To find out where you should go to get tested in your area, contact your doctor first. You can find all the information you need on

Don’t risk it if your partner hasn’t been wearing a mask

There are a lot of conspiracy theories floating around, and some people are more susceptible to theories than others. If your partner is not following mask protocols, it could put you and your immediate family or friends in danger. It’s not only yourself you need to think of but the possible chain reaction if you contract the virus.

Wash your hands and your sex toys consistently

Wearing a mask and social distancing aren’t the only ways to limit your risk of contracting Covid-19. It’s also of the utmost importance to wash your hands. Good old-fashioned soap does the trick, but you have to wash your hands thoroughly for around 30 seconds. Wash your hands every time you enter the house before touching anything.

But, more importantly, you should also wash your hands before and after sex. This might sound a little cray-cray considering the physical act of sex has you in direct contact with all sorts of bodily fluids, but you don’t know what your partner inadvertently touched before touching you.

Sex toys should be cleaned regularly anyways, in fact after each use. But, it’s now more important than ever to keep your toys an toy-chest clean.

If one of you isn’t feeling well. Wait!

Some of the symptoms of Covid-19 could look exactly like a cold or the flu. Don’t assume that a little cough, sore throat or a slight fever is “just a regular cold”. If you or your partner are under the weather either get tested soonest or wait the recommended 14 days before having sex again or meeting up for that matter.

It might seem like a long stretch, but absence makes the heart grow fonder, and it’s best to be on the safe side. Use the 14 days to boost your immune system instead.

Stay exclusive

If you struggle with being exclusive or love your self-proclaimed title “playa” you can use this time to reflect on your life and allow Covid-19 to be a motivating factor for you. Nearly all healthcare providers agree that during a pandemic, it’s a bad time to pick up a new sex partner.

Remaining intimate with someone you’re familiar with is your best and safest bet here. Random Tinder hookups are probably not a great idea. If you can'’ help it, then remember to be safe and follow the recommended safety protocols. Stay safe and be sensible.

Visit Lizzy Bliss for more info

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