How to get your sex groove back with magnesium

Many people experience lower sex drive at some point in their lives due to various reasons, but some studies say a simple supplement can help you get your groove back. Picture: Mahrael Boutros/Pexels

Many people experience lower sex drive at some point in their lives due to various reasons, but some studies say a simple supplement can help you get your groove back. Picture: Mahrael Boutros/Pexels

Published Sep 20, 2022


Stress affects the body in many ways, and so it can affect your sex life by lowering your libido, which in actual fact means losing your sex groove, which in turn can affect your relationship.

Sometimes we can’t avoid the stress that comes with our daily lives. According to clinical sexologist, Maj Wismann, our nervous systems, hormonal changes, social, relational, and psychological factors all play a role in our sex drives.

When we are filled with stress our minds tend to drift away and not focus on the moment.

"Stress makes the body produce cortisol, and cortisol interrupts all the happy hormones of sexual arousal," says mindfulness coach, Emma Michelle Dixon, in a recent report.

"When we're stressed during sex, we also tend to get too much in our heads instead of focusing on our bodies, which is key to experiencing pleasure," she says, adding that this often makes it difficult to reach a climax as our minds are filled with things other than pleasure.

Picture: Nataliya Vaitkevich/Pexels

How magnesium can help

Magnesium helps our bodies in various ways.

“Magnesium works by stopping testosterone from latching onto proteins, including SHBG. By keeping more testosterone unbound, magnesium increases the amount of testosterone in the bloodstream, strengthening sex drive,’’ according to Calm Canada research.

Not only does it help with the libido, as further studies have shown that magnesium is a natural relaxer which enables regular sleeping patterns, which in turn helps get your sex drive back.

Magnesium supplements are available almost anywhere to reach the recommended daily intake. It’s simple; when you feel less stressed, you can and will have better sex, and you would want it more and more. It’s a win-win situation, because a happy sex life reduces feelings of stress. Get orgasming!