The things romantic movies are made of: Couple marry 30 years after playing Mary and Joseph in primary school nativity

BRIDAL couple. Picture: Pexels

BRIDAL couple. Picture: Pexels

Published Sep 9, 2021


One of the highlights of year-end school concerts is the nativity play.

It provides proud parents and the audience with “that’s so cute” moments. And any child who is chosen to play the leading roles of Mary or Joseph gets instant star status regardless of age.

With weeks of rehearsals, one can understand how the on-stage couple can develop a little off-stage romance, especially if a secret crush is already lingering.

This is the case with Rose Childerhouse, 38, who played Mary, and James Macpherson, 40, who played Joseph, in the Christmas production at Sixpenny Handley First School in Salisbury, in Wiltshire, England, 30 years ago.

NATIVITY scene. Picture: Unsplash

Who would have thought that three decades later they would actually get married.

It sounds like a perfect story line for a blockbuster romance movie.

What makes this “boy meets girl” romantic tale even sweeter is that Rose admits that she had a 'schoolgirl crush' on James at the time.

However, James says he only took on the leading male role to impress another girl in their class.

He didn’t begin dating Rose until they both were studying at Westminster University.

While the relationship was brief and ended in heartbreak, 15 years after they parted ways Rose bumped into James on a night out in Bournemouth, where their romance was rekindled.

The couple got engaged two years ago and tied the knot this past Saturday. The got married at a family home surrounded by friends and family.

“It feels like it has been a long time coming but it was worth the wait,” Rose told the Sun.

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