It’s a mess! Dude’s place trashed with grocery items by what’s assumed to be ex-girlfriend

Couples break-up all the time and for so many reasons. It might not be a good match or you simply out-grow each other. Picture: Pixabay

Couples break-up all the time and for so many reasons. It might not be a good match or you simply out-grow each other. Picture: Pixabay

Published Apr 9, 2021


Love can be oh so sweet until it goes sour.

Couples break-up all the time and for so many reasons. It might not be a good match or you simply out-grow each other.

“The timing isn’t right”, “It’s me not you”, we’ve heard it all.

However, the worst break-ups are most commonly caused by cheating.

Finding out that you’ve been cheated on can make people do crazy things.

From physical attacks to car windows being smashed in, it all boils down to revenge and finding the ways to hurt that person who cheated on you.

When @cruel_im_ii tweeted a series of pictures showing a trashed kitchen and bedroom, people immediately assumed that it was an act of revenge by a scorned ex-girlfriend.

And yes, it’s assumed that wrongdoer is a woman.

Twitter user @cruel_im_ii’s tweet captioned: “Let's leave Mjolo alone, please!!” has received over 3 000 likes.

The culprit trashed the kitchen and bedroom, even ruined a pair of shoes, by smearing grocery items all over the place.

Eish, there’s dish-washing liquid in the peanut butter jar, cornflakes, milk and an entire packet of chips emptied out on to a bed and bucket of sneakers topped up with milk, bread and cereal.

SHU! That person really meant to trash the place and did a great job of it.

Many of the people who commented on the post could relate to the situation and shared their experiences with what they all assumed is a “crazy ex-girlfriend”.

One guy said: “I once had a girl like this ... she got so angry, poured 20 litres of water on my bed and she came back later wanted to sleep over ... Ayhi!!”

Another commented: “This once happened to me, she took all the clothes from the wardrobe, shoes, everything, put them embhedeni and pour water. Ko kitchen she broke plates, bowl etc ... damaged the pots and left. I think they find comfort in doing these kind of things after a break-up.”

— NDINGUM'AFRIKA (@SonwabileNtlok4) April 8, 2021

Some people were more upset about the food that was trashed. The dish-washing liquid in the peanut butter really got to people.

— Mfundo Kunene🚹 (@k_mfundopraise) April 8, 2021

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