How to know when your relationship is toxic

JOKO is a tea of strength, and it has partnered with POWA (People Opposing Women Abuse) in the hope of fighting the scourge of gender-based violence. Pic: Supplied

JOKO is a tea of strength, and it has partnered with POWA (People Opposing Women Abuse) in the hope of fighting the scourge of gender-based violence. Pic: Supplied

Published Jan 23, 2020


Being in a relationship with the right person can be wonderful. A good partner who loves you cares about your interests, respects you, makes you happy and allows you to be yourself.  

However, a toxic relationship is far from this. If you are in a toxic relationship, you might not even be aware of it, especially if you can mentally ‘justify’ the ill-treatment.  Here are a few common signs to look out for which will help you identify if you’re in a toxic relationship: 

Your partner loses their temper with every disagreement

Disagreements are bound to happen. The only way to get through problems which may arise is to communicate effectively without losing your temper. However, if your partner loses their temper with every argument and blames the outbursts on you – then this is a recipe for disaster. This type of behaviour might leave you walking on eggshells because you never really know what will send your partner into a fit of rage.

They belittle you

If someone belittles you, they often do it to hurt your feelings intentionally. This may take place when it’s just the two of you or even when you’re around your friends and family. People who do this hardly take accountability for hurting your feelings when you ask them to stop, and they disguise this toxic trait by saying things like, “I’m joking,” or “you’re too sensitive.” Belittling someone is not a joke, and anyone who thinks it’s okay to do so doesn’t deserve you – or anyone else.

Continuous disrespect

Disrespect is evident in a person’s tone and body language as well as the things they say. If they always shout or swear at you, that’s an easy sign that they are disrespecting you. Mutual respect is an important factor when it comes to all relationships – make sure this is common whenever you and your partner are together.

Your partner controls you

Just because you are seeing someone doesn’t mean that you should neglect your friends. If your partner continually goes through your phone without your permission, prevents you from visiting friends and family or tells you where to go or not to go – then they are controlling you, and that isn’t healthy at all. 

They physically abuse you

This sign shouldn’t be ignored because your health and life are at stake. “It won’t happen again.” How many women have heard this line and lost their lives because of  domestic violence? It may not be easy to leave, but if you have been abused by your partner once, it’s highly likely that it could happen again. Don’t ignore the signs; reach out to a close friend or family member. If you’re planning to leave an abusive relationship, then read this  safety plan that involves ensuring the safety of your children, asking your neighbours for help and a guideline on how to prepare an emergency kit. 

If these signs sum up what you’re experiencing in your relationship, then it might be time to seek help from a therapist, support group or someone you trust. You’re stronger than you think!  

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