Full-time boyfriend wanted: Must be financially stable and able to bankroll my leisurely lifestyle



Published Jun 8, 2022


Emily de Rean, of Dallas, Texas, was climbing the corporate ladder as a financial analyst.

Unhappy in her job, she took a leap of faith and quit her career to become a stay-at-home-partner.

The 37-year-old now lives with her boyfriend who financially supports her, the New York Post reported.

Some might frown upon her choice and De Rean could even be considered a free-loader.

But after spending six years in the corporate world, she found herself working longer hours and burning out.

Now, she’s much more happier with her lifestyle.

“You don’t have to just be a stay-at-home mom, you can aspire to be a young child-free woman and not work,” she told Southwest News Service.

“I spend my hours doing what I want and have time to look after my body, cook nice meals and spend quality time with friends,” she added.

De Rean’s decision wasn’t made in haste. She did some introspection after her dying father told her that life was too short to be unhappy.

She quit her job and started working as a nanny – but that didn’t last long.

Soon afterwards, she met her boyfriend Michael who encouraged her to stop working because he made more than enough money for the both of them.

De Rean is now sharing her tips with other women who aspire to be full-time girlfriends.

Her one golden rule? Date a man who can afford to fund your lifestyle.

“They need to be financially viable for your needs,” she told Southwest News Service.

“You don’t know how a man is going to end up even if he has potential. You should date the finished product.”

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