Mzansi, are we okay? Then why are we dreaming about snakes?

Picture: Pexels / cottonbro

Picture: Pexels / cottonbro

Published Mar 7, 2022


Dream interpretation has been of interest for many years, and for good reason.

New research by Secret Linen Store has used Google search data to reveal what people dream about most often around the world.

Dreaming about dogs is the most common, followed by dreams involving being pregnant, and snakes. However, dreaming about snakes is the most common in South Africa, while Brits dream of being pregnant.

According to the luxury bedding retailer, dogs are what the world dreams about the most at night, following analysis of the types of dreams 185 countries Google regularly.

“Be it dreams about falling, bumping into a dreaded ex, or losing teeth, dreaming is something the whole world has in common, and many of us turn to Google for answers on the meaning behind our dreams.

“To find out whether these dreams vary depending on the country you live in, researchers at Secret Linen Store used a list of over 390 common dream subjects to find which are being googled the most worldwide.

“While our canine friends topped the list, more nightmarish visions of snakes, teeth falling out, and running into an ex-partner also made up the top 10,” said researchers.

Molly Freshwater, co-founder of Secret Linen Store, said: “As the last couple of years might have felt more nightmare-inducing than a calm backdrop for a good night’s sleep, we were keen to see how this might have impacted what we’re dreaming about around the world. It’s interesting to see that dreams actually do differ depending on where you live, but also comforting to know you’re not alone when it comes to dreaming about snakes or ex-partners. Whatever you regularly dream about, sleep is so important, and making sure your bed is as relaxing and comforting as possible will go a long way to making sure you’re having good dreams rather than nightmares.”

Ranking as the most common dream globally, dreams about our canine pals are often related to themes of loyalty and protection regarding our relationships.

However, residents of countries that include the UK, France and Switzerland bring things even closer to home than the family dog, as they’re among the 18 countries that dream most frequently of being pregnant. According to this data, dreams about being pregnant are often linked with experiencing something new in your life, and hint that you are growing as a person.

At home, in South Africa and other African countries such as Rwanda, snakes take third place. The data experts explain that snakes slithering their way into our dreams are often associated with struggling to make a tricky decision, perhaps bringing to light something they need to confront in their waking life.

Rounding off the top five were dreams involving cheating, which was on the mind of North and Central American dreamers, including those in the US. While infidelity may not be front of mind when you wake, this dream is often perceived as the body’s way of processing complex emotions about past events, so shouldn’t always be taken literally.

When it comes to relationship-related dreams which are also quite common, dreams about exes are common in Mexico and Japan.

“If you're dreaming about an ex-partner, then it could be a sign of healing (if they are a recent break-up) with your subconscious trying to help you process your feelings and move on. If you're dreaming about an old flame, it could be a symbol of passion and that you're looking for more excitement in your life. If marriage features regularly in your dreams, like Greek and Kenyan residents, it's not necessarily a sign you want to be married, instead symbolising your commitment to something whether that's a new job, finding a new friendship, or taking on a new hobby,” according to search data analysed.

Uganda and Nigeria searched for the meaning behind their money dreams the most. While very few of us who dream of money are rich when we wake up, dreaming about money is instead thought to be a symbol of self-confidence and our own self-worth. If you dream about money regularly, it could mean you're feeling rich in life.

This what each continent dreams about the most:

Continent – Most searched for dream topic

Europe: Being pregnant

North & Central America: Cheating

South America: Travelling

Africa: Dogs

Oceania: Teeth falling out

Asia: Dogs

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