Celeb diets: Bella Hadid revealed as most influential celebrity

Bella Hadid revealed as most influential celebrity. Picture: Instagram Bella Hadid

Bella Hadid revealed as most influential celebrity. Picture: Instagram Bella Hadid

Published Jan 31, 2023


The start of a new year provides a fresh start and a chance to make things right. Twenty percent of Americans plan to work toward improving their physical health in 2023, according to YouGov, making it the most popular New Year's resolution.

Some individuals resolve to lose a few kilos here and there, while others want to establish boundaries and improve their interpersonal connections. Eighteen percent more people expressed a desire to eat healthier as well.

The variety of diets and fads can make it difficult to decide where to start or what diet to follow.

With that being said, the team at Total Shape has used data from Statista to find out which celebrity diets were the most influential in the US.

The data was collected through a national consumer survey and asked participants, "Do you follow one or more of the following nutrition rules?"

Over half of Americans (52%) don't follow nutritional rules, while 19% follow a low or no-carb diet, meaning they limit or do not eat carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, and potatoes.

During the 30-day study, Google received more than 3400 searches for "Bella Hadid diet," making supermodel Bella Hadid the most influential.


Khloe Kardashian comes in second place with 3300 searches, while Kate, the Princess of Wales had 2700 searches.

The model talked candidly about her eating disorder in a new “Vogue” cover story, saying she struggled with anorexia when she was a teenager.

The 25-year-old supermodel said that Adderall, which her psychiatrist had given after she showed signs of anxiety and depression, had partially contributed to the onset of her eating issue.

Hadid’s personal nutritionist, Charles Passler told People Magazine, that the 25-year-old model focuses on a low-carb and high-protein diet.

Per the data study, 11% of Americans claim to be lactose intolerant, meaning they don't consume dairy products like butter, milk, chocolate, cheese, or yoghurt. Another 11% identified as flexitarians, which means they generally consume a plant-based diet but occasionally consume dairy, meat, and fish.

Ten percent are gluten-free, excluding foods such as bread, pasta, cakes, and pastries from their diet.

Five percent of Americans identify as vegetarians, meaning they don't eat fish or meat, while four percent identify as pescatarians, indicating they eat fish but don't eat meat. Four percent of people abstain completely from all animal products, including meat.

Seven percent of people identify as "other" which can refer to a variety of different diets, including the fruitarian diet (which excludes foods with a high acidity level), the alkaline diet, or the keto diet (consuming a diet high in fat and low in carbohydrate).