Free healthcare for pregnant moms

Published Feb 16, 2010


Freetown - Sierra Leone's President Ernest Koroma is to give free healthcare to pregnant women and children under five to reduce high mortality rates, public radio reported.

Koroma said his government would abolish "all user fees for pregnant and lactating mothers and under-five children as from April to address the high incidence of maternal mortality and morbidity."

"We are determined to bring down the deplorable figures of deaths among pregnant women and children and reverse the trend which is not good for the country's image," he told the weekend rally in Yonibana in the north of the country.

Acting Health Minister Daudis Koroma said that a survey conducted by the ministry showed that maternal and infant mortality were highest in the north "because people are still very attached to traditional birth and delivery practices."

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), Sierra Leone has the world's highest death rate among pregnant women and children.

International non governmental organisation Concern said one in every six women die in pregnancy and childbirth and one in seven children die before their fifth birthday. - Sapa-AFP

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