Spirit of Christmas

Published Dec 23, 2022


Christmas is not celebrated by everyone. To those of the Christian faith, it is a joyful time to remember the birth of Christ and his message of love, redemption and forgiveness.

But the festive holiday season is special to many more, even those of different faiths. It’s the spirit of Christmas that resonates, another opportunity to display generosity of spirit and in kind.

With schools, universities and most businesses closed, it’s also when people can join their families for time out of the hectic work year. To do happy things together and catch up. Eating too much and napping without guilt. Rest, recuperation and refreshment in preparation for what is expected to be another tough year ahead.

For too many others, though, it is a time of loneliness, sorrow or exclusion. As we shop for gifts and special meals to make our tables groan, we need to be aware of those to whom the season will mean nothing. Still the same gnawing hunger, homelessness or poverty.

Remember them as you join millions of people doing last-minute shopping. Put your change in the collection cans at the tills. Donate to reputable organisations on their websites.

Increase your tips for car guards and wait staff at restaurants. Practise patience and courtesy on the roads so you don’t add to the annual road carnage.

We wish all peace and goodwill.

The Independent on Saturday

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