Nothing to celebrate here

The fire that started on Monday morning at Parliament's National Assembly Chamber flared up again. Picture: Phando Jikelo/African News Agency(ANA)

The fire that started on Monday morning at Parliament's National Assembly Chamber flared up again. Picture: Phando Jikelo/African News Agency(ANA)

Published Jan 8, 2022


The merits of the police action in arresting a homeless man for the fire at Parliament notwithstanding, the blaze coming just ahead of the ANC’s 110th anniversary casts a pall over the celebrations.

In truth, one wonders just what the current leaders of the once proud and principled party have to celebrate.

Its descent into a cabal which seemingly exists only to fleece the public purse at every opportunity?

Infighting which resulted in its worst election outcome, and which threatens its very status as the country's ruling party?

Its inability to pay its own staff, much less keep the lights on?

The complete lack of accountability from ‒ and consequences for ‒ those caught with their pants down?

The breakdown in the delivery of basic services at nearly every single municipality it governs?

No matter whether under Zuma or Ramaphosa, the only gains made by the ANC are in the breadth and scope of corruption and incompetence, and the shamelessness with which both are practised.

Under the ANC we have the twisted situation where an important report on state capture ‒ enabled by the ANC ‒ is handed to a man implicated in the report, and who we must now trust with acting on its recommendations.

Under the ANC two provinces were brought to their knees because one of its most senior leaders refused to be held responsible for his part in creating the mess the country finds itself in.

Where once the ANC held the moral high ground, and was internationally acclaimed, it now wallows in a morass, bereft of morals and unable to muster support even at home.

By all means let the ANC gather this weekend, pat itself on the back and collect tributes from those feeding at the trough and those wanting to join the frenzy. But don't call it a celebration. There is nothing to celebrate. Nothing good anyway.

The Independent on Saturday

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