Facebook censors regulation



Published Feb 27, 2021


Australia shows that Facebook cares about censorship only when it's profitable

Kelsey Zorzi

For years Facebook has defended its willingness to regularly censor religious and political content at the request of oppressive regimes by claiming it simply follows the laws of the countries it operates in.

But that excuse became less convincing than ever this month, when the social media giant won concessions from Australia by temporarily shutting down the news for users of its platform in the country in retaliation for a law that would harm its bottom line.

Australia's proposed law originally aimed to require tech companies to pay news media for their content, with rates set through a forced government arbitration process.

The Australian government has claimed the law is needed to restore the balance of power between digital platforms and publishers.

The law promises to be especially costly for Facebook because the company has increasingly become one of the world's largest sources of news.

In response to the proposed law, Facebook took the extraordinary step of blocking Australians from sharing news stories on its platform.

This move proved effective, as the Australian government gave in on Monday to several of Facebook's demands, including allowing the company to avoid forced negotiations by retaining the ability to decide what news appears on its platform.

The contrast between Facebook's response to the proposed law in Australia and to laws in, for example, Pakistan, could not be starker.

The tech giant has claimed strong ideological objections to laws in both countries.

But it has only stood against those laws when ideological integrity has promised to help its economic interests.

For years, Facebook has spoken about "building a service where you can speak freely without fear of violence" while also assisting with censorship in countries such as Pakistan, where the government has handed down death sentences for speech it doesn't like.

In 2017, at the government's request, Facebook began supporting Pakistan's crackdown on religiously offensive content by removing it from its platform.

That same year, Pakistan started prosecuting individuals who blasphemed online, leading to the June 2017 conviction of Taimoor Raza, a 30-year-old Shiite Muslim who became the first person in the world to be sentenced to death for a Facebook post.

To this day Facebook continues to wipe hundreds of allegedly blasphemous posts in Pakistan each year, most recently removing 557 posts in the first six months of 2020 alone.

Facebook has explicitly stated that blasphemy does not violate its Community Standards, but it nevertheless removes blasphemous content in countries that deem it criminal.

Facebook chairman Mark Zuckerberg says he would rather Facebook play by the rules of oppressive regimes than get banned.

The company insists this compromise is necessary to "make the world more open and connected“, and "give the most voice to the most people”.

But Facebook's willingness to impose its economic will by silencing news across Australia raises questions about whether these principles truly explain its actions.

While Facebook does push back on some censorship requests, the company has made a practice of removing blasphemous and politically dissident content at the behest of many hardline governments, including Indonesia, Bangladesh and Malaysia.

These three countries have some of the highest incidences of mob activity, violence and threats related to blasphemy accusations, with Pakistan taking the number one spot and Bangladesh – where journalists have been assassinated for writing about secularism and the freedom of thought - at number two.

Indonesia's blasphemy laws have made headlines for years, as the government has repeatedly used them to smear political opponents and target and imprison religious minorities, including Christians and Hindus, who engage in conduct as innocent as complaining about the volume of a mosque's call to prayer.

Facebook's records show that, between January and June 2020, it censored blasphemy and religiously insensitive content for the Indonesian government as often as it censored hate speech, graphic violence, incitement, separatism, extremism, and nudity combined.

When it comes to responding to laws it deems problematic, Facebook can't have it both ways.

While Facebook is willing to go along with laws that mandate punishments – including death – for the expression of minority viewpoints on religion, this month the tech giant has shown that it can and will successfully protest laws that could reduce its profits.

Profit is at least one of the motives behind Facebook's recent resistance to Pakistan's new set of rules for internet companies.

These rules require storing data in country, accepting an obligation to proactively filter content and complying with drastically lowered standards for sharing decrypted user data with authorities.

In a joint letter published in December, Facebook, through the Asia Internet Coalition, explained that the new rules would make continued operation in Pakistan "extremely difficult“.

While the letter leads with concerns about the government forcing social media companies to "violate established human rights norms on privacy and freedom of expression”, it then goes on to list a number of financial concerns, including how the new rules would increase costs of operation and disadvantage foreign business entities.

It is fair to wonder whether Facebook chose this instance to stand up for human rights in Pakistan because the new rules provided a financial incentive to do so.

Now that the world knows Facebook has the power to contend with national governments when it wants to, the question becomes when Facebook will wield that power.

If the standard for pushing back is established human rights practices concerning freedom of expression, then Facebook cannot continue legitimising laws and attitudes that suppress and punish religious minority viewpoints in countries such as Pakistan.

It can no longer pick and choose which international human rights violations it will go along with and which it won't.

But if the standard is the company's bottom line, as this week's events in Australia have indicated might be the case, then the world should expect to see Facebook continuing to carry out censorship for illiberal governments.

Indeed, the company will, by all indications, continue to do so as long as those countries allow the social media giant to operate within their borders – even if the cost involves blocking speech protected by international law and perpetuating ideological and religious tyranny.

The Independent on Saturday

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